EMT Flashcards
What are the H’s & T’s (Reversible causes of a PEA)
Tension pneumothorax
What are the differences in VT & VF
VT has a tall very spaced out complex to it and VF is much smaller and can be more erratic
What are the differenced in cardiac arrest prognosis
How often do you ventilate with a LMA
Once every 6 seconds / once every 10th compression
How to identify ROSC
Spike in ETCO2
Change in rhythm that looks capable of sustaining life
Change in level of consciousness of patient
How to confirm ROSC
ROSC can be confirmed by palpating the pulse. DO NOT STOP HALF WAY THROUGH A CYCLE.
Confirm pulse (Femoral or carotid)
Confirm rhythm change
Confirm ETCO2 spike
Treatment following ROSC
Maintain adequate airway
Maintain adequate breathing
Maintain adequate circulation
Avoid hyperventilation
Avoid hypotension
Conduct a primary survey (ABCDE)
TTM (Targeted temp management)
Place one sheet over the patient and allow them to passively cool to get to 35 degrees. Active cooling is not indicated unless there is hyperthermia involved
O2 should be kept around 94-97% (to much can cause vasoconstriction)
Target systolic BP to 120
ETCO2 value
Normal is 35-45mmHg
Good compressions above 20mmHg
Spike in ETCO2 can indicate ROSC
Where should a O2 probe be placed on a neonate
On the right hand to get the best reading
What are some factors that can influence first breaths of a baby
Movement of limbs
Tactile stimulation
Pressure on chest during vaginal delivery
What are the expected 02 stats for Neonates
What are some abnormal and normal vitals for neonates
Are neonates able to thermoregulate well
They lack the ability to thermoregulate well and have a large surface area to loose a lot of heat which it why it is essential to keep them warm
What is a normal BGL for a neonate
2.5 or above
What is Perinatal asphyxia
This is a severe abnormality of inadequate blood flow resulting in hypoxia, hypercarbia and acidosis.
This mainly occurs immediately before, during or after birth