El Hombre de tu vida 01 Flashcards
¿No sé a que juegas?
I don´t know what you´re `playing at?
no me jodas, papa
don´t bullshit me, dad
¿A qué tal ha ido?
How did it go?
¿Algo te-le-se-os pasó?
Something happened?
- Se ha ido
2. Se ha vuelta a tu casa
- He´s gone.
2. He went back to his home
se hace saber que …
let it be known that …
- no quiero aparentar
- aparentar
- aparentar
- tiene 15 pero aparenta muchos más
- I don´t want to pretend
- to feign
- to look
- he´s 15 but he looks much older
HE PASADO la mañana en el despacho
I SPENT the morning in the office
¿Te has enrollado con ella?
have you hooked up with her?
- ¿DE que tienes miedo?
2. Lo voy a hacer
- What are you afraid of?
2. I´m going to do it
Ay, va, va, va,….
Ay go, go, go …
no, no te gires
no, no don´t turn around
Ay, menos mal
Ay, thank heavens-thank goodness
mirá que te traigo
look at what I´ve bought you
Adios, David, sin rancores
Es un sinvergüenza
You´re a little devil, a rascal (said friendly banter)
¿Te vas a poner tetas?
You´re going to get a boob job?
- te ha piillado
- pillar
- me has pillado de casualidad, estaba a punto de salir
- She caught you out.
- to catch (out) (informal)
- you were lucky to catch me, I was just going out
tengo un poquito de prisa
I´m in a bit of a hurry
te toca
your turn, your move
no me he enterado de nada
I didn’t understand anything