eapi -> hockey session Flashcards
Week 1
focus : technique
Initially practising the skill in a closed environment
-> Players start on their knees -> low COM -> close to the ball -> place a cone 10m away from fence
-starting with a v shaped grip pointing down the face of the stick
-slide the stick along the ground and back to strike the ball
-once confident do this 10 times
development -> Then place cones 1-2m away from the player, they should then attempt to reverse slap the ball through the cones
-> increase distance of cones
Week 2
focus : accuracy
Place 2 cones 10m apart, the players should practice slapping the ball to one another
-increase the distance if players
-decrease distance of cones
-then see how many passes they can make in 1 minute
technique : frying pan grip, ball 90 degrees,
Week 3
focus: speed of pass
Box drill, red cone players push the ball to the players on the blue cone who collect it on the move and play a reverse shot down the line
-means the players have to accurately play the ball
progression: change direction
-> if too easy add 2nd ball
technique: low, fast backswing
Week 4
focus: testing initially
-see how many passes they can make in 1 minute -> see if this has improved
focus: speed of shot
-zig zag shooting drill -> 4 players -> short sharp push passing -> player on top of d collects it on the move -> reverse stick hit -> goal
progression -> in & out drill -> player starts on halfway line -> pushes ball to player on 25 -> collect ball on move -> reverse hit
coaching points -> point left shoulder at target when pushing, ball 90 degrees when hitting, head over ball
Week 5
focus: technique of lifted reverse shot
-set up cone 10m away from fence, practice lifted reverse shot
progression -> Set up 4 cones leading diagonally to the top of the d from the 25 -> lifted reverse stick hit at top of D
-> if easy -> add 3 icebergs on top of each other to encourage lifted shot -> 5 points for every shot they get over iceberg
coaching points -> hit the back of the ball, 90 degree angle, low body positioning
Week 6
focus: pressure
-player feeds ball from right side of D ->
-player on left hand of the d
-she runs in collects ball and takes it in on her reverse aiming to hit the ball into the top right/ left hand corner of the goal
-as many shots as she can in 2 minutes
progression -> add a goalie initially to challenge her to position the ball correctly
-> if too easy add a defender to increase speed of shooting
-coaching points: collect ball on move on reverse -> speeds up shot
Week 7
focus: game play
start the session with passing reverse stick in pairs
-then move into a zig zag shooting drill with balls starting from the right, getting them to implement the skills they have learnt
-then after this get into a small sided game, one team is shooting at the goal, the other is scoring through the cones -> only way to score is by reverse stick hitting
Week 8
focus: final testing
focus: game play
-place cones 1-2m away from the player, they should then attempt to reverse slap the ball through the cones
-11 a-side game for whole session
-complete at least 5 reverse stick passes
-3 reverse stick shots at goal, at least 1 lifted
-progression -> limit to 3 touch -> ^ pace of getting shot away
-coaching points -> low body positioning, head over ball
2 training sessions a week -> allows
significant rest -> performer fully
prepared for session.
also reduces potential
overloading, -> injury
also considers performer will be doing other training sessions and match play
40 mins long -> maintains high intensity, motivation, interest
massed oractice
i will limit rest time between activities -> ^ intensity, get used to training when tired -> ^ fitness
-> ensures time is utilised effectively
Dynamic stretching
in warmup -> increase heart rate and warm the muscles up correctly
examples: lunge with twist
Recovery process
After the coaching session the athlete must do
an active recovery as this will maintain
respiratory rate and heart rate, speeding up
removal of lactic acid, quickening recovery
warm up
run around the pitch once
-dynamic stretches; walking herd sheep, walking lunge with twist
-static stretch after: heel against fence, hold leg
positive reinforcement
use when athlete performs skill correctly.
-Reward correct response -> motivates
performer -> correct action
being repeated again
avaliability of time
Today we have more time available for sport
in comparison to pre-industrial sport which
was restricted just to holidays. This has
allowed us to play sport more frequently,
hence why coaching sessions are able to occur
so often