7.2- Recovery Flashcards
What is EPOC
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption
volume of oxygen consumed post-exercise to return the body to pre-exercise state
Name the 2 stages of EPOC
fast (alactacid) component of recovery
slow (lactacid) component of recovery
Explain what happens during the fast alactacid component of EPOC
3 mins -> PC stores fully recovered
-30s for 50% recovery
-requires 3-4l of oxygen
replenishment of blood & muscle oxygen -> within 1st min O2 resaturates bloodstream
-3 mins -> restores oxymyogloin link in muscle cells
Explain what happens during the slow lactacid component of EPOC
-elevated ventilation and circulation-> post-exercise respiratory rate, depth & HR remain elevated
-gradually decrease to maximise delivery of O2
-elevated body temperature -> post-exercise elevated temperature ^ metabolic rate
-removal of lactic acid -> removed in 4 ways:
-50-75%- converted back to pyruvic acid
-10-25% converted back to glucose, glycogen
-removed by sweating
What is oxygen deficit
volume of O2 that would be required to complete an activity aerobically
Describe EPOC and oxygen deficit during low-intensity aerobic activites
-small oxygen deficit
as steady-state oxygen consumption is quickly met
limiting use of anaerobic energy systems, lactic acid accumilation
Describe EPOC and oxygen deficit during high-intensity aerobic activites
-large oxygen deficit
as oxygen doesn’t meet demand, lactic acid accumilates
-reaching OBLA quickly
Implications of recovery on training
-warm up
-active recovery
-cooling aids
-intensity & training
-work: relief ratios
-strategies & tactics
How does warming up reduce oxygen deficit, improving EPOC
HR ^, ^ use of aerobic system, minimising lactic acid accumilation & oxygen deficit
How does an active recovery reduce oxygen deficit, improving EPOC
What first stage does the performer face when entering recovery
fast alactacid (before lactic acid) -> initial fast stage of EPOC where O2 consumed in 3 mins resaturates haemoglobin & myoglobin stores -> provides energy for ATP, PC resynthesis
What does the fast alactacid component of EPOC do
shows volume of O2 required to return body to pre-exercise state
-replenishment of blood, muscle oxygen
-resynthesis of ATP, PC stores
What occurs in the replenishment of blood and muscle oxygen within the fast alactacid component
during exercise O2 -> dissociated from haemoglobin in blood & myoglobin in muscle cells to fuel aerobic glycolysis, aerobic energy production
in first min of EPOC -> O2 resaturates blood stream, associating with haemoglobin, in 3 mins -> it retsores oxy-myoglobin link in muscle cells
What occurs in the resynthesis of ATP and PC stores within the fast alactacid component
- first 3mins aerobic energy production continues proviing energy for ATP-PC resynthesis
-30s -> 50% recovery, 60s -> 75% recovery
-process requires 3-4 litres of O2
How does the fast component replenish blood and muscle oxygen ?
- within first minute oxygen resaturates blood stream
- o2 associated with Hb
- oxy-myoglobin link in muscle cells
How much oxygen does the slow component require ?
5-8 litres
What are the jobs of the slow component ?
- provision of energy to maintain ventilation, circulation and body temperature
- removal of lactic acid and replenishment of glycogen
How does the slow component maintain ventilation and circulation ?
- during exercise rate &mdepth of breathing ^ to provide muscles with o2
- after exercise -> remains ^ & gradually decreases to maximise delivery of o2 and remove co2
What percentage of EPOC does ventilation and circulation take up ?
How does the slow component maintain body temperature ?
-during exercise -> core body temp ^
-for every 1 celsius rise in body temp = 13-15% metabolic rate ^
-after exercise temp remains elevated for several hours
What percentage of EPOC does body temperature take up ?
How does the slow component remove lactic acid ?
- lactic acid converts back to pyruvic acid
- then is oxidised or converted into glycogen
What percentage of pyruvic acid is oxidised in the removal of lactic acid in the slow lactacid component
-what % of pyruvic acid is converted to glucose
- 50-75% is oxidised
- in the mitochondria
- re-entering the KREBs & ETC
-to top up blood supplies
-glycogen to be stored in muscles, liver
What impact does a WARM UP have on recovery ?
- respiratory / heart / metabolic rates increase
-this minimises time spent using anaerobic energy systems
- reduces oxygen deficit = less o2 to ‘pay back’ during EPOC
What impact does ACTIVE RECOVERY have on recovery ?
- maintain heart and respiratory rates flushing muscle, capillary beds with oxygenated blood
-this speeds up lactic acid removal
- reduces length of slow component of EPOC
- 40-60% VO2 Max is advised
What impacts does COOLING AIDS have on recovery ?
aids- ice baths used to:
- lower muscle and blood temp
- reduce demands on slow component of EPOC
-speed up lactic acid removal
-reduce DOMS
the PRESSURE exerted by the earth’s ATMOSPHERE at any given point
What impact does intensity of training have on recovery
-high intensity
-high intensity- ^ muscle mass, ATP & PC storage capacity, boosts efficiency of fast component
-low-moderate- ^ aerobic capacity, respiratory, cardiovascular efficiency