5.2- Group and team dynamics and goal setting in sport Flashcards
What is a group
collection of ppl who both share similar goals and interact with one another
What is the forming-norming-performing model and what does it show
shows stages of group development
-forming; high dependence on leader for guidance, direction
-little agreement
-storming; group decisions are difficult - team members jostle for positions
-stronger sense of purpose
-norming; more agreement, consensus, roles, responsibilities clearer
-performing; team has more strategies, clearer vision, clearer aims
-no interefernce from leader
What is team cohesion
force that binds a group together, helping to prevent faulty processes
Name the 2 dimensions of cohesion according to Carron
-group integration -> how individuals feel about the group
-individual attraction to group- how individuals are attracted to the group
Give an example of group cohesion
-south africa rugby team -> won 1955 world cup
-made up of individuals who had high regard for each other
What is social loafing
when some individuals in a group lose motivation due to identitiy loss
steiner group performance
What is the ringelmann effect
when group sizes increase average individual performance decreases
- can be caused by motivational and co ordination losses
Give a practical example of the ringelmann effect in hockey
hockey team penalty corner drill continues to break down as the timing of players involved doesn’t match
Why is goal setting used
-increase motivation
-increase confidence
Name 4 ways goal setting can affect perfomance
-directing attention - gives focus
-regulating amount of effort put into a given task
-ensuring effort is sustained until goal is reached
-motivating ppl to develop a variety of strategies to reach their goal
What does SMART goal setting stand for
Specific- goals must be clear
Measurable- goals must be assessed
Achieveable- goals must be within reach
Recorded - goals must be monitored
Time-phased - goals should be split into short, long-term goals
What are outcome goals
goals that are targets directed towards an end result
-e.g. winning a tournament
What are perfomance goals
goals directed towards individuals end perfomance
-e.g. improve batting