12.1 Ethics and Deviance in Sport Flashcards
What is deviance
unacceptable behaviour within a culture. Any behaviour that differs from the perceived social or legal norm is seen as deviant.
What does WADA stand for
World Anti-Doping Agency
What is the WADA’s role
bring consistency to anti- doping policies and regulations within sport organisations and governments right across the world’
Name 4 types of legal supplements
-caffeine supplements (coffee, energy drinks)
Name 3 advantages of legal supplements
-can help build muscle, increase stamina, control weight etc
-can increase strength, performance and recovery (creatine)
-staying hydrated through drinking water of energy drinks can improve and aid performance
Name 3 disadvantages of legal supplements
-some could contain banned substances/ be contaminated
-health implications over long term use of creatine supplements, e.g. effects on digestive system and increased risk of cancer
-energy drinks contain high levels of sugar, contributing to obesity and tooth decay
Name 8 types of performance enhancing drugs
-anabolic steroids
-beta blockers
-anabolic agents
-masking agents
What is blood doping
misuse of techniques and or substances to increase red blood cell count
-remove 2 pints of blood before comp
-freezing blood 2 days before comp
-inject blood back in when thawed
Why do people blood dope
^ number of red blood cells
-> higher vol of haemoglobin present
-> more oxygen is transported to muscles
-> higher level of performance
Name 5 prohibited methods of performance enhacing drugs
-enhancement of oxygen transfer
-blood doping
-administration of products that enhance the uptake, transport and delivery of oxygen
-gene doping
Name 4 classes of prohibited substances
-local anaesthetics
Name 6 reasons why elite performers use illegal drugs and doping
-improve performance
-desire to win at all costs
- pressure to succeed from family, friends, coahces, or even state -> affect performers judgement & decision making
-psychological reasons (train harder, recover quicker)
- high monetary rewards for winning and lucrative sponsorship deals
-some performers think everyone is doing it, so they should too - lvl playing field
Name 3 consequences of drug doping in sport
to society:
-negative publicity for nation
to sport:
-bad publicity
-negative role modelling
to performers:
-damage to body, addiction
-damage to mind; mood swings, depression
-^ performance
Name 5 strategies to stop the use of illegal drugs and doping in sport
-WADA -> lists banned substances
-drug testing -> in & out of competitions
-stronger action by IOC (e.g. rio 2016 banned the russian athletics team)
-education - of performers and coaches on dangers & responsibilities
-stricit punsihments (lifetime ban)
What is violence
-intense physical force directed towards harming another individual
Name 6 causes of violence in sport
-desire to win- so overwhleming -> aggression
-nature of the actovity
-media increasing tensions
-frustration with officials/ result
-drugs/ alcohol
Name 2 societal implications of violence in sport
if violence is to be tackled in sport, violent behaviour should also be tackled in society
-spectators relish violence in sports
-people who follow sport and directly spectate at sports events are more inclined to violence in certain situtations
-educate people on how to control their emotions
Name 3 strategies to prevent violence among players
-educate with emphasis on fair play
-punish players at the time; bans
-better qualified officials
What is match fixing
when sports competition is played to a completely or partly pre- determined result
-against law
-requires contacts between corrupt player, caoches and team officials -> team under-performing deliberately to ensure one team wins/ loses
Why is gambling closely associated with spirts organisations
-as outcomes of events are unpredictable and theres a chance in most competitions
What is spot fixing
when a specific aspect of sports competition is illegally pre-determined
-e.g football player being sent off at particularl part of the game
How had globalisation had a negative on sport when talking about gambling
connections are made between international fixers local criminals players and match fixers
What are anabolic steroids
PEDS- allow athletes to train harder for longer -> ^ strength, aggression
What are beta blockers
PEDS- control heart rate- keep athlete calm
What are stimulants
increase alertness
What is deindividualisation
when you lose sense of being an individual
Name 2 sporting implications of violence in sport
-governing bodies have their own disciplinary processes to ensure standards & maintain non violent behaviour
-playing strategies that promote violence should be punished
Name 2 performer implications of violence in sport
-education of performers is important; performers are responsible for their individual actions & fair play
-performers need to be aware that they are role models- their behaviour will be copied
meaning of ethics
principles/ rules that govern behaviour in life generally/ sport specifically
what is deviance
seriously breaking rules & norms
what is deindividualisation
when u lose sense of being an individual
-> cause violent behaviour
Causes of violence among players
-violent nature of some sports
-equipment that can be used as weapinry (sticks in hockey)
-anger management issues
Causes of violence among spectators
-violence on pitch
-hoolgans keen to cause trouble
name 3 strategies to prevent violence among spectators
-increase police presence
-stricter punishments; bans, fines