D4 - Human power output and CrossFit metcon workouts Flashcards
What is another name for Type-IIb fast-twitch fibers?
Type-IIb fast-twitch fibers are also known as Type-IIx.
When are Type-IIb fast-twitch fibers recruited?
Type-IIb fast-twitch fibers are recruited for very short duration
How do Type-IIa fast-twitch fibers differ from Type-IIb fibers in terms of fatigue resistance and force production?
Type-IIa fast-twitch fibers are more fatigue-resistant than Type-IIb fibers
What are Type I slow-twitch fibers used for?
Type I slow-twitch fibers are used in lower-intensity exercises
How are muscle fibers organized?
Muscle fibers are organized into motor units
What is the evidence of Type II fiber activity?
The presence of lactate in the muscle and blood is evidence of Type II fiber activity.
What supplies energy for high force/high power outputs?
Energy for high force/high power outputs is supplied by ATP/CP (high-energy phosphates stored in the muscle).
What happens as exercise intensity is reduced?
As exercise intensity is reduced
How can the oxidative metabolism of Type I fibers be enhanced during aerobic training?
During aerobic training
What does anaerobic training result in for Type II fibers?
Anaerobic training results in increased concentrations of anaerobic enzymes that enhance the anaerobic ability of Type II fibers.
What is irrelevant for the highest exercise intensities in terms of muscle tissue?
Muscle tissue capillarization
What becomes increasingly important as exercise intensity is reduced?
As exercise intensity is reduced
At what exercise intensity is an athlete considered to be in the aerobic maximum range?
An athlete is considered to be in the aerobic maximum range when exercise intensity is around 30 to 35% of the maximum.
How can weightlifting prescriptions be classified?
Weightlifting prescriptions can be classified as light (12-15 reps)
What does conventional strength training not improve?
Conventional strength training does not improve cardiac function or blood composition and volume.