D2 - Human power output and CrossFit Metcon workouts Flashcards
What does knowing the position on the human power scale provide for a particular activity in CrossFit?
Knowing where a particular activity falls on the human power scale helps understand how to approach that WOD and the resulting metabolic effects.
Name the three types of muscle fibers.
The three types of muscle fibers are Type IIb fast-twitch fibers
What is the characteristic of Type IIb fast-twitch fibers?
Type IIb fast-twitch fibers are recruited for very short-duration
How do Type IIa fast-twitch fibers differ from Type IIb?
Type IIa fast-twitch fibers are more resistant to fatigue but cannot produce force as rapidly. They are used during sustained power activities like sprinting or repeated lifts with a weight below the maximum.
Which type of muscle fibers is used in lower-intensity exercises for muscular endurance?
Type I slow-twitch fibers are used in lower-intensity exercises
What happens when the CNS produces the largest possible stimulation for maximal force production?
When the CNS produces the largest possible stimulation
Why can only trained athletes recruit all available motor units?
Only trained athletes can recruit all available motor units because it requires a high level of neuromuscular coordination and conditioning.
How does CrossFit metcon training differ from traditional strength training in terms of muscle group engagement?
CrossFit metcon training requires intense but extended work of all muscle groups
Why does CNS fatigue affect lightweight or weaker CrossFitters more during heavier lifts?
CNS fatigue affects lightweight or weaker CrossFitters more during heavier lifts because they require more muscle stimulation to achieve each lift.
What advantage do lightweight CrossFitters have in metcons with largely bodyweight exercises?
Lightweight CrossFitters have an advantage in metcons with largely bodyweight exercises because their lower bodyweight means there is less total work to accomplish.