Cultural Anthropology Flashcards
What is Cultural Anthropology?
Explore how cultures and society has developed
- The more we live, the more complex technologies we see
Technological diffusion
- Adoption of a technology from one culture to another
- Meets a perceived need
- It should fit with local customs, be prestiges, be a need and maybe have a authority endorse it
Culture and Language
- Langage came from humans needing to communicate
- Helps us defend ourselves
- Words spread easily to countries through globalization
Social Formations
- Some people see themselves as apart of a kinship while other see themselves as independent
- Provides human relationships (material status)
- How laws are formed and created
- How law impact human behavior and culture
Legal anthropologist
- Examine human rights
- Look at global discourse between right and wrong
- Political system contain part of power
- World events caused a shift in political systems
- Current political system in play can affect cultural belief, citizen repsiblty, Freedom of speech, association and influence or turn the behavior based on politics
The Economy and Economic System
- We need economic system to get resources
- A postindustrial economy is canada
- Moved form manufacturing-based economy (farming, making tangible goods) to a service-based economy (providing services, medical, educational, social)
- Postindustrial economies are global, with items produced in various parts of the world
Religion/Belief Systems
Each culture has their own beliefs
Cultural anthropologist
- Study formation of culture/religion and how religion impacts/influences human behavior and adapt to local and global changes.
Conducting Anthropological Research: Field Work
People work in dry, dirt filled places
- Many rocks and warm
- Working standard is met
- People work together
Feildwork is an important part of being an anthropologist
- Learn about humans and their ancestors
- Explore the real world
What do Anthropologists Study?
Evolution of humans
Remains of the past
A society is stable when social institutions (schools, politics, family) all meet the needs of citizens
Cultural Materialism
Materials or conditions within the environment influence how culture develops
Feminist Anthropology
You must not believe that white men is the standard and use it to judge others
Postmodern Anthropology
- skeptical of explanations which claim to be valid for all groups, cultures, traditions, or races, and instead focuses on the relative truths of each person”
: the basis for all other levels and includes population, biological needs, resources
refers to a society’s economic, social, and political organization
related to ideology/views/values, religion, art, culture
Cultural Materialism Example
- In canada we have winter
- (physical environment/infrastructure)
- This is going to impact our culture/sports (superstructure).
human relations through mating, genealogy, adoption
Fictive kinship
are constructed kinships such close family friends who are like family, Godparents
sets the father as the head of the family and as such is typically responsible for decision making and earning an income.
is the feminine equivalent of patriarchy.