Confessions 1.9.14 Flashcards
** accidō accidere accīdī **
fall down, happen (ad + cado)
Adam (indecl.) m.
aerumnōsus –a –um
full of trouble, miserable, wretched, distressed
- appāreō apparēre apparuī apparitus *
to appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve
ars artis f.
skill, art; guile, trick
auxilium auxilī n.
aid, help; pl. auxiliary troops
** cōgō cogere coēgī coāctus **
to collect, gather, round up, restrict, confine; force, compel; convene; congeal
dolor dolōris m.
pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation
excellō excellere excelsus
to excel
falsus –a –um
deceptive, false
famulor –ārī –ātus sum
to be a servant
flōreō flōrēre flōruī
to flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one’s prime
gravis grave
heavy, deep; important, serious; severe (sluggish, not digesting properly); intense
honor or honos honōris m.
honor, respect, glory; (political) office, post; (of personal appearance) dignity, grace
īnsipientia –ae f.
want of wisdom, senselessness, folly
invocātiō –ōnisf.
an invoking,invocation
labor labōris m.
work; effort, hardship
lingua linguae f.
tongue; speech, language; dialect
linguōsus –a –um
talkative, loquacious
lūdificātiō –ōnis f.
mockery, derision
maiōrēs maiōrum
ancestors; elders, adults
** moneō monēre monuī monitus **
to warn; remind; advise
multiplicō multiplicāre
to multiply, increase, augment
nōdus –ī m.
a knot; of a tree; bond; coil; (fig.), difficult point; center of strife
plāga –ae f.
a blow, wound; lash, whip
- praestruō –ere –ūxī –ūctus *
to block up, render impassable, contrive beforehand, prepare, build in front
**prōpōnō prōpōnere prōposuī prōpositus **
to announce, display; propose; relate; put or place forward
since indeed; inasmuch as, because
rectē (rectius, rectissimē)
refugium –ī n.
a recourse, place of refuge, refuge
** rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptus **
to break; destroy
schola –ae f.
school, schoolroom; lecture
sēgnis sēgne
slow, sluggish
** subveniō subvenīre subvēnī subventum **
to support, aid
ūtilitās ūtilitātis f.
usefulness, advantage
vāpulō –āre
to get beaten up, get clobbered.