Confessions 1.8.13 Flashcards
** abeō abīre abiī abitum **
to go away
āctus –ūs m.
a driving or impelling; speed, swift descent (> ago); the performance of a play; an act in a play (deducere in actus = dramatize); an act as a section of play
** advertō advertere advertī adversum **
to turn towards
affectiō –ōnis f.
a relation, disposition; a position, aspect
aloft, on high; high; high up; deeply, deep; comp., altius, higher (> altus)
- appellō –ere –pulī –pulsus *
to drive to; bring, convey to; draw up to, moor on the shore (> ad and pello)
certus –a –um
sure, certain, reliable; fixed, settled, firm; trusty, reliable; resolved, determined; particular, individual
cēterus –a –um; often pl. cēterī –ae –a
the other, remainder, rest (of), remaining part (of); pl. the rest, the others
colligō colligāre
to bind, tie, or fasten together, to connect, bind, tie up
commūnicō commūnicāre commūnicāvī commūnicātus
to communicate, inform, share
crebēr crēbra crēbrum
thick/crowded/packed/close set; frequent/repeated, constant; numerous/abundant
** discēdō discēdere discessī discessum **
to go away, depart
** doceō docēre docuī doctus **
to teach, show, point out
doctrīna –ae f.
teaching, doctrine, learning
** ēdō ēdere ēdidī ēditus **
to eject/emit; put/give forth (buds); beget; bear (fruit); display/evince/exhibit; utter solemnly; pronounce/decree (oracle); deliver (message); issue (command); publish; disclose, tell, relate, make known; declare, make formal statement; cause
ēdomō –āre –uī –itum
to tame, subdue, conquer
ēnūntiō ēnūntiāre ēnūntiāvī ēnūntiātus
to report, announce, declare
for fārī fātus sum
to speak, say
fugiō fugere fūgī fugitus
to flee, escape; avoid (+inf.)
gemitus –ūs m.
a groaning; a groan; sigh; lamentation; cry; noise, roaring (> gemo)
gēns gentis f.
nation, people; clan, family
** ingredior ingredī ingressus sum **
to advance, walk; enter, step/go into; undertake, begin
between, among; during (+ acc.)
littera litterae f.
letter (of the alphabet); in pl., letter, epistle
mēns mentis f.
mind; intention, purpose; attitude
mōtus mōtūs m.
motion, movement; disturbance
** moveō movēre mōvī mōtus **
to set in motion, stir (up), move
nātūrālis –e
natural, by birth, one’s own; of nature, real
ōrdō ōrdinis m.
row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank (oars); order (of monks)
ōs ōris n.
mouth; face
** pāreō pārēre pāruī pāritus **
to be obedient, obey (+ dat.); appear, be visible, be at hand
to only a small extent, slightly, a little
pendeō pendēre pependī
to hang, hang down
pēnsō pēnsāre
to weigh, weigh out
** pergō pergere perrēxī perrēctus **
to go on, proceed
** pōnō pōnere posuī positus **
to put, place; set aside; lend (money) out (at interest)
** praebeō praebēre praebuī praebitus **
to present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow make available, supply, provide; be the cause, occasion, produce; render
procellōsus –a –um
full of storms, stormy, tempestuous, boisterous
puer puerī m.
boy, slave
pueritia pueritiae f.
boyhood, childhood, youth
reiciō reicere reiēcī reiectum
to throw back, reject
sententia sententiae f.
thought, feeling; opinion; judicial opinion, verdict
societās societātis f.
society; alliance/partnership; trading company; fellowship, communion; joint pursuit/enjoyment/possession; connection, affinity; conjugal union
sonitus –ūs m.
a sounding; noise; roaring; thunder (> sono)
sonō sonāre sonuī sonitum
to sound, resound
as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as
** teneō tenēre tenuī tentus **
to hold, grasp; keep possess; occupy
varius –a –um
different; various, diverse; changing; colored; parti-colored, variegated
or (postpositive enclitic)
verbum verbī n.
word; verb
vocō vocāre vocāvī vocātus
to call; summon; name
vultus vultūs m.
expression; face