Confessions 1.17.37 Flashcards
acclāmō –āre –āvī –ātus
to raise a cry at, to shout at, to exclaim
adumbrō adumbrāre adumbrāvī adumbrātum
to sketch in shadow, outline, represent vaguely; to cast a shadow on, to overshadow by something
angelus –ī m.
messenger, angel
atterō atterere attrīvī attrītus
to rub against, wear away; wear down, weaken
** āvertō avertere avertī aversus **
to turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate
coaetāneus –a –um
contemporary, of the same age
collēctor (conlēctor) –ōris m.
a fellow-student; a gatherer, harvester
dēdecus dēdecōris n.
shame, disgrace, dishonor
dēlīrāmentum –ī n.
nonsense, absurdity, raving
ēmineō –ēre –uī
to stand out, project, rise up
errō errāre errāvī errātus
to wander; err, make a mistake
** exerceō exercēre exercuī exercitus **
to keep in action or motion; hurry, drive along, whip; exercise, carry on, pursue; employ; engage in, cultivate, cherish; practice; train, lead; agitate, torment, harass; pursue
fūmus –ī m.
īra īrae f.
anger, wrath
Italia Italiae f.
Iūnō Iūnōnis f.
mūnus mūneris n.
service; duty, office, function; public show (esp. with gladiators); gift; tribute, offering; bribes (pl.)
palmes –itis m.
vine-sprig, vine-sprout, a young vine branch
persōna persōnae f.
an actor’s mask; role, personality
before, in front of; in the face of; in view of (verging on because); forward [prae sequor => go on before]
praeda praedae f.
booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey
praemium –(i)ī n.
prize, reward; gift; recompense
rapiō rapere rapuī raptus
to seize, tear, carry (off) (by death)
recitō recitāre recitāvī recitātus
to read aloud, recite; name in writing
sacrificō –āre
to make sacrifice, sacrifice
scrīptūra –ae f.
a writing, written characters; tax
solūtus –a –um
unbound, free, loose, at large, unfettered, unbandaged
suspendō suspendere suspendī suspēnsum
to hang, suspend
Teucrī –ōrum m.
the Trojans, descendants of Teucer, adj., Teucrian, Trojan (> Teucer)
trānsgressor –ōris m.
an infringer, transgressor of the law
turpis turpe
foul, ugly; base, shameful
ventus ventī m.
versus versūs m.
line, verse; furrow, ground traversed before turn; row/string, bench (rowers)
vestiō vestīre vestiī/vestīvī vestītum
to clothe
volātilis –e
able to fly, fleeting