Confessions 1.19.30 Flashcards
arēna (harēna) –ae f.
sand, desert, beach; (combat) arena
- arguō arguere arguī argūtus *
to prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict
terrible, cruel
aucupō aucupāre
to hunt for birds, to chase, give chase to, strive for, be on the look-out for, lie in wait for; watch for
aurum aurī n.
** cēdō cēdere cessī cessum **
to go, move; yield; withdraw
cellārium –(i)ī n.
a store-room, receptacle for food, a pantry; food, provisions
excellentia –aef.
foedus –a –um
fraudulentus –a –um
cheating, deceitful, fraudulent
fūrtum fūrtī n.
theft; trick, deception; stolen article
gula –ae f.
the gullet, weasand, throat, neck; the palate, i. e. gluttony, gormandizing, appetite
imperitō imperitāre imperitāvī imperitātus
to command, govern, rule (> impero)
innumerābilis –e
countless, innumerable, immeasurable, immense
inquiētūdō –inis f.
restlessness, disquietude; feverishness, enthusiasm (for)
** invideō invidēre invīdī invīsus **
to envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse (+ dat.)
** libet (libēre) libuit libitum est **
it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
ludicrum –ī n.
an amusement; plaything; sport, spectacle
mancipium –ī n.
property, possession, slave; a taking by hand, formal acceptance, taking possession, seisin, legal purchase
mendācium –ī n.
mēnsa mēnsae f.
table; course, meal; banker’s counter
nūgātōrius –a –um
trifling, worthless, useless, futile, nugatory, insignificant, absurd, frivolous
nux nucis f.
paedagōgus –ī m.
tutor, slave assigned to a young boy
palaestra –ae f.
a place for wrestling or exercize; pl., wrestling, gymnastic, or palaestric games
alike, likewise, at the same time
passer passeris m.
pilula –ae f.
a little ball, globule; a pill
praedium praedi(ī) n.
praefectus praefectī m.
prefect; esp. praefectus praetorio, commander of the praetorian guard
puerīlis –e
pertaining to a boy; a boy’s; boyish (> puer)
what; why
rēgnum rēgnī n.
royal power; power; control; kingdom
saeviō saevīre saeviī saevitum
to act savagely, rage
statūra –ae f.
height, size, stature
supplicium supplici(ī) n.
punishment, suffering; supplication; torture
- vendō vendere vendidī venditus *
to sell
vorāgō –inis f.
a chasm, abyss, gulf, whirlpool; torrent (> voro)