Confessions 1.6.10 Flashcards
accessus –ūs m.
a going near to; an access, approach (> accedo)
** accipiō accipere accēpī acceptus **
to receive; accept; hear (of), learn (of)
ācriter acrius acerrimē
sharply, fiercely
thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides
aequus –a –um
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil; equal to; suitable to
adv. from elsewhere
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
animal animālis n.
animus animī m.
(rational) soul, mind; spirit; pl., strong feelings
annōsus –a –um
full of years; aged, old; hoary (> annus)
annus annī m.
artifex –icis m.
an artist; artificis scelus, the iniquity of the deceiver = the accursed falsifier; subtle schemer, artful deviser (> ars and facio)
aspectus aspectūs m.
possibility of seeing, sight
atque or ac
and in addition, or and besides; and, as well, and indeed; freq.; even; (in comparisons) as; than; repeated, atque — atque, both — and
auctōritās auctōritātis f.
authority; influence, clout
blandus –a –um
flattering, charming, pleasant; attractive
commemorō commemorāre commemorāvī commemorātus
to recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record
congruō –gruere –gruī —
to coincide, agree; be suited to
coniciō –ere –iēcī –iectus
to throw; to figure out, conjecture
conlactāneus (collactāneus) –ī m.
a brother nourished at the same breast, a foster-brother
cōnsors –consortis
having a common lot; participating, a companion
(adv. or prep. + abl.) in person, face–to–face; in one’s presence, before one’s eyes; publicly, openly
crāstinus –a –um
pertaining to the morrow; tomorrow’s (> cras, the morrow)
** crēscō crēscere crēvī crētus **
to come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted
** dēficiō dēficere dēfēcī dēfectus **
to fail, disappoint, let down; leave without a sufficiency; cease to be available
** dēprehendō dēprehendere dēprehendī dēprehensus **
to catch, seize; understand, learn about
- dērīdeō –rīdēre –rīsī –rīsus *
to make fun of; mock
diēs diēī m. or f.
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus
to lead; consider; draw out, pull out; lead off for punishment
egēns –entis
destitute, needy, necessitous, helpless (> egeo)
- ēiciō ēicere ēiēcī ēiectus *
to throw out, expel
ēsca –ae f.
food, bait (> edo)
exaudiō exaudīre exaudīvī exaudītus
to hear
** experior experīrī expertus sum **
to test; try; experience
expiō –āre –āvī –ātus
to purify
exsistō –sistere –stitī
to emerge, appear, be visible, be
exstirpō exstirpāre –āvī –ātum
to root out, eradicate, extirpate
ex(s)tō ex(s)tāre ex(s)tāvī ex(s)tātus
to stand forth or out; rise above
feriō ferīre
to strike, hit
** ferō ferre tulī lātus **
to bring, bear, carry; endure; report (feritur it is said; ferunt they say)
fīnis fīnis m.
boundary, end, limit, goal; (pl.) country, territory, land
fōns fontis f.
spring, fountain, well, source
** gignō gignere genuī genitus **
to create, bring forth, beget, bear
hēsternus –a –um
of yesterday, yesterday’s
today, nowadays; at the present time
hodiernus –a –um
of today, today’s
īgnōrō īgnōrāre īgnōrāvī īgnōrātus
to not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of
imbēcillitās –ātis f.
helplessness, imbecility, weakness, feebleness
imperium imperiī n.
power, authority, command; empire
īnfantilis –e
of or belonging to infants or little children; little, young
inhiō inhiāre inhiāvī inhiātus
to gape at or over; inspect, examine; yawn; gape at, gaze at
innocent, harmless
innocentia –ae f.
harmlessness, blamelessness, innocence
intueor intuērī intuitus sum
to look at, gaze at, consider
laus laudis f.
praise, approval, merit; glory; renown
even though
mānō mānāre mānāvī mānātus
to drip, flow
modus modī m.
measure; limit; rhythm, meter; manner, way; (eius modi) of that kind
mōs mōris m.
custom, practice, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals
muliercula –ae f.
a (small or weak) woman
multus –a –um
much, many
mundus –a –um
clean, neat, elegant
nēmō nēminis m. or f.
no one
** nītor nītī nīxus sum **
to press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor
- noceō nocēre nocuī nocitus *
to harm, hurt; injure (+ dat.)
not yet
noxius –a –um
guilty (masc. as sb.) convicted criminal; hurtful, baneful; destructive (> noxa)
nūtus –ūs m.
nod, will
oboediō (oboēdiō or obaudiō) –īre
to obey, yield obedience, be subject, serve
ops opis f.
power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.)
pallidus –a –um
pale, pallid; ghastly (> palleo)
parvulus –a –um
very little; small, little (> parvus)
patior patī passus sum
to experience, suffer, endure; permit, allow
peccō peccāre peccāvī peccātus
to commit a wrong, injure
** peragō peragere perēgī perāctum **
to finish, end
** pereō perīre periī peritūs **
to perish, die; pass away, be destroyed, be ruined; go to waste
perniciōsus –a –um
destructive, ruinous
to lament, mourn
besides, thereafter; in addition
conj., except as; beyond, except
probō probāre probāvī probātus
to approve (of), esteem, commend, recommend, certify; give assent/approval/sanction; let; show to be real/true; examine, test, try, prove, demonstrate; get accepted
prōiciō –icere iēcī –iectum
to cast forth, throw out, fling to the ground
prūdēns –entis
aware, acting deliberately, open-eyed; prudent, clever, wise
pūrgō pūrgāre pūrgāvī pūrgātus
to clean, purge
when, since, because [si quando => if ever]
so much as; how much; how far
moreover, certainly (emphasizing one statement with reference to another)
quīlibet quaelibet quodlibet (or quīlubet, etc.)
whoever or whatever you please; anyone, anything
quis quid after sī nisī ne or num
anyone, anything, someone, something
remedium remediī n.
- reprehendō reprehendere reprehendī reprehēnsus *
to hold back, seize, catch; blame
sēnsa –ōrum
thoughts, notions, opinions, ideas, conceptions
subiectus –a –um
lying under, neighboring, situated below, near, bordering upon, adjacent; subordinate
tantīllus –a –um
so little, so small
tolerō tolerāre tolerāvī tolerātus
to bear, endure, tolerate
** trahō trahere trāxī tractus **
to draw, drag, haul; derive, get
trānseō trānsīre trānsīvī/trānsiī trānsitus
to go over, cross
beyond, further (adv. and prep. +acc.)
utcumque or utcunque or utquomque orut cumque)
in whatever way, however; according as, whenever; at any event, at any rate
vēna vēnae f.
vein; supply of talent; channel
via viae f.
way, road, street