Confessions 1.10.16 Flashcards
amor amōris m.
love; Cupid
ārdēns –entis
burning, hot, sparkling, flaming; bright; impassioned, ardent, eager; spirited, fiery; glowing, lofty; fierce, furious; angry (> ardeo)
bene; melius (comp.); optimē (superl.)
** caedō caedere cecīdī caesus **
to chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
facing; against, contrary to; face to face; in opposition; in turn
creātor –ōris m.
a creator, author, begetter, founder
** cupiō cupere cupiī/cupīvī cupītus **
to wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well
cūriōsitās –ātis f.
desire of knowledge, curiosity, inquisitiveness
dīgnitās dīgnitātis f.
worth, excellence; fitness/suitability (for task),; honor, esteem, standing; rank/status; merit; dignity; position/authority/office; dignitaries (pl.)
** ēligō ēligere ēlēgī ēlēctus **
to pick out, select
ēmicō ēmicāre ēmicuī ēmicātus
to leap, spring forth; to dart, bound, or spring upward; run, rush, dart forward; shine
fābella –ae f.
a little history, short story, idle tale
inobēdiēns –entis
libēns –entis
willing; well–pleased, ready, gladly, freely
līberō līberāre līberāvī līberātus
to free, liberate
melior melius
optō optāre optāvī optātus
to desire; choose
ōrdinātor –ōris m.
an orderer, regulator, arranger
nearly, almost; mostly
** perveniō pervenīre pervēnī perventus **
to come to; reach; arrive
praeceptum praeceptī n.
teaching, lesson, precept; order, command
praeditus –a –um
endowed with
prūriō prūrīre
to itch
also, too
scalpō scalpere scalpsī scalptum
to scratch, scratch out
spectāculum spectāculī n.
show, spectacle; (pl.) the seats for the audience
studium studiī n.
zeal, enthusiasm; pursuit, study; enthusiastic support
tantus –a –um
so much, so great, of such size; [tantus … quantus => as much … as]
** ūtor ūtī ūsus sum **
to use; experience, enjoy (+ abl.)
victōria victōriae f.