Confessions 1.13.20 Flashcards
adamō adamāre –āvī –ātum
to fall in love
Aenēās –ae m.
ambulō ambulāre ambulāvī ambulātum
to walk
Dīdō –ūs or –ōnis f.
Dido, daughter of Belus, king of Phoenicia, who fled from her brother Pygmalion to Africa, where she founded the city of Carthage
explōrō explōrāre explōrāvī explōrātus
to search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate
Graecus –a –um
grammaticus –ī m.
a grammarian, scholar, expert on linguistic and literary questions; a secondary school teacher
- imbuō –ere –uī –ūtus *
to drench; permeate; wet, moisten; stain
Latīnus –a –um
of Latium; Latin; Latina, ae, f., a Latin woman (> Latium)
** occīdō occīdere occīdī occīsum **
to strike down, strike to the ground; kill; ruin; plague; to beat, smash, crush
onerōsus –a –um
burdensome, heavy (> onus)
poenālis –e
of or belonging to punishment, punitive, penal
prīmus –a –um
first, foremost, best, chief, principal; nearest, next; [in primus = especially]
puerulus –ī m.
little boy
** revertor revertī reversus **
to turn back, go back, return; recur (usually deponent in present system, active in perfect; deponent perfect mostly post-Augustan)
siccus –a –um
spīritus spīritūs m.
breathing, breath, spirit, life
vānitās –ātis f.
emptiness, aimlessness, absence of purpose