Confessions 1.18.29 Flashcards
a(d)spīrātiō –ōnis f.
exhalation; aspiration; the pronunciation of an aspirate, sounding an ‘h’
** auferō auferre abstulī ablātus **
to carry away, take away, remove; make cuts
caecitās –tātis f.
** caveō cavēre cāvī cautus **
to be careful, beware; avoid, take precautions/defensive action; give/get surety; stipulate
certō or certē
certainly, definitely, really, for certain, for a fact, truly; surely, firmly
circumstō circumstāre circumstetī
to stand round, surround
cōnscientia cōnscientiae f.
awareness, conscience
careful; diligent, scrupulous; accurate; industrious; assiduous; thrifty, economical, frugal; attentive, fond (of), devoted (to)
displiceō displicēre displicuī displicitus
to displease
excelsum –ī n.
a height; eminence
fāma fāmae f.
report, rumor; reputation, fame; tradition, story
furor furōris m.
madness, rage, fury, frenzy; passionate love
habitō habitāre habitāvī habitātus
to inhabit, dwell; live, stay
illicitus –a –um
not allowed, unlawful, illicit
īnfatīgābilis –e
indefatigable, tireless
inimīcō inimīcāre
to make enemies,to set at variance
inimīcus –a –um
unfriendly, hostile (+ dat.)
inrītō (irrītō) inrītāre inrītāvī inrītātus
to exasperate, provoke; rouse, stimulate
īnsector īnsectārī īnsectātus sum
to pursue with blows; to pursue with words, to censure, blame, rail at, inveigh against, speak ill of
interior interiōris
inner, interior, middle; more intimate, closer (of friends etc)
locūtor (loquūtor) –ōris m.
a speaker; a talker, prater, babbler
multitūdō multitūdinis f.
multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob
** neglegō neglegere neglēxī neglēctus **
to disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise
odium odiī n.
perpetuus –a –um
continuous, uninterrupted, whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting; in perpetuum: for the whole course of a given period, for the duration of one’s life
** persequor persequī persecūtus sum **
to follow up, pursue; overtake; attack; take vengeance on; accomplish
placitum –ī n.
agreed position; consent; appointment
quaeritō –āre –āvī –ātum
to ask, ask for, seek
scientia scientiae f.
knowledge, science; skill
silentium silenti(ī) n.
sonus sonī m.
sound, noise
** spargō spargere sparsī sparsum **
to scatter, strew; cast in fragments; disperse; shower, hurl; sprinkle; besprinkle, bedew, stain; infuse; (fig.), spread abroad, disseminate; bring over or upon, diffuse
syllaba (sul–) –ae f.
a syllable
vāstō vāstāre vāstāvī vāstātus
to lay waste, ravage
watchfully, carefully, vigilantly