Confessions 1.7.11 Flashcards
accessus –ūs m.
a going near to; an access, approach (> accedo)
ācriter acrius acerrimē
sharply, fiercely
aequus –a –um
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil; equal to; suitable to
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
animus animī m.
(rational) soul, mind; spirit; pl., strong feelings
annōsus –a –um
full of years; aged, old; hoary (> annus)
aspectus aspectūs m.
possibility of seeing, sight
blandus –a –um
flattering, charming, pleasant; attractive
commemorō commemorāre commemorāvī commemorātus
to recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record
congruō –gruere –gruī —
to coincide, agree; be suited to
conlactāneus (collactāneus) –ī m.
a brother nourished at the same breast, a foster-brother
cōnsors –consortis
having a common lot; participating, a companion
(adv. or prep. + abl.) in person, face–to–face; in one’s presence, before one’s eyes; publicly, openly
** crēscō crēscere crēvī crētus **
to come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted
** dēprehendō dēprehendere dēprehendī dēprehensus **
to catch, seize; understand, learn about
dērīdeō –rīdēre –rīsī –rīsus
to make fun of; mock
** dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus **
to lead; consider; draw out, pull out; lead off for punishment
egēns –entis
destitute, needy, necessitous, helpless (> egeo)
** ēiciō ēicere ēiēcī ēiectus **
to throw out, expel
ēsca –ae f.
food, bait (> edo)
exaudiō exaudīre exaudīvī exaudītus
to hear
experior experīrī expertus sum
to test; try; experience
expiō –āre –āvī –ātus
to purify
exstirpō exstirpāre –āvī –ātum
to root out, eradicate, extirpate
feriō ferīre
to strike, hit
ferō ferre tulī lātus
to bring, bear, carry; endure; report (feritur it is said; ferunt they say)
fōns fontis f.
spring, fountain, well, source
** gignō gignere genuī genitus **
to create, bring forth, beget, bear
īgnōrō īgnōrāre īgnōrāvī īgnōrātus
to not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of
imbēcillitās –ātis f.
helplessness, imbecility, weakness, feebleness
imperium imperiī n.
power, authority, command; empire
īnfantilis –e
of or belonging to infants or little children; little, young
inhiō inhiāre inhiāvī inhiātus
to gape at or over; inspect, examine; yawn; gape at, gaze at
innocent, harmless
innocentia –ae f.
harmlessness, blamelessness, innocence
- intueor intuērī intuitus sum *
to look at, gaze at, consider
even though
mānō mānāre mānāvī mānātus
to drip, flow
mōs mōris m.
custom, practice, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals
mundus –a –um
clean, neat, elegant
nēmō nēminis m. or f.
no one
** nītor nītī nīxus sum **
to press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor
noceō nocēre nocuī nocitus
to harm, hurt; injure (+ dat.)
not yet
noxius –a –um
guilty (masc. as sb.) convicted criminal; hurtful, baneful; destructive (> noxa)
nūtus –ūs m.
nod, will
oboediō (oboēdiō or obaudiō) –īre
to obey, yield obedience, be subject, serve
ops opis f.
power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.)
pallidus –a –um
pale, pallid; ghastly (> palleo)
parvulus –a –um
very little; small, little (> parvus)
** patior patī passus sum **
to experience, suffer, endure; permit, allow
peccō peccāre peccāvī peccātus
to commit a wrong, injure
** pereō perīre periī peritūs **
to perish, die; pass away, be destroyed, be ruined; go to waste
perniciōsus –a –um
destructive, ruinous
to lament, mourn
besides, thereafter; in addition
probō probāre probāvī probātus
to approve (of), esteem, commend, recommend, certify; give assent/approval/sanction; let; show to be real/true; examine, test, try, prove, demonstrate; get accepted
prōiciō –icere iēcī –iectum
to cast forth, throw out, fling to the ground
prūdēns –entis
aware, acting deliberately, open-eyed; prudent, clever, wise
pūrgō pūrgāre pūrgāvī pūrgātus
to clean, purge
when, since, because [si quando => if ever]
so much as; how much; how far
moreover, certainly (emphasizing one statement with reference to another)
quīlibet quaelibet quodlibet (or quīlubet, etc.)
whoever or whatever you please; anyone, anything
remedium remediī n.
reprehendō reprehendere reprehendī reprehēnsus
to hold back, seize, catch; blame
subiectus –a –um
lying under, neighboring, situated below, near, bordering upon, adjacent; subordinate
tantīllus –a –um
so little, so small
tolerō tolerāre tolerāvī tolerātus
to bear, endure, tolerate