Confessions 1.1 Flashcards
aliquis aliquid and aliquī aliqua aliquod
someone, something; some, any; si quis, si quid: anyone who, anything that
introduces an alternative question, or; introduces an Indirect Question, whether, if
aut; aut…aut
or, either…or
however; moreover
- circumferō –ferre –tulī –lātus *
to bear round; pass around, sprinkle, purify by sprinkling; cast about
cor cordis n.
heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.)
creātūra –ae f.
a creature, a created thing
** crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditus **
to trust, believe (+ dat.); entrust
dēlectō dēlectāre dēlectāvī dēlectātus
to delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight; (passive) be delighted/glad, take pleasure; (+ inf.) enjoy (being/doing)
** dō dare dedī datus **
to give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make; surrender/give over; send to die; ascribe/attribute; give birth/produce; utter
dominus dominī m.
master, lord
while, as long as; until
in fact, indeed; for
excitō excitāre excitāvī excitātus
to wake up, stir up; cause; raise, erect; incite; excite, arouse
** faciō facere fēcī factus **
to make; do; reckon
fidēs fideī f.
faith, trust; trustworthiness; confidence
hūmānitās hūmānitātis f.
human nature/character/feeling; kindness/courtesy; culture/civilization
inquiētus –a –um
restless, unquiet, disturbed
īnspīrō īnspīrāre īnspīrāvī īnspīrātus
to breathe into; inspire, impart; instill
- intellegō intellegere intellēxī intellēctus *
to understand
** inveniō invenīre invēnī inventus **
to find, discover
invocō invocāre invocāvī invocātus
to call upon; invoke, adore
laudābilis –e
praiseworthy, laudable
laudō laudāre laudāvī laudātus
to praise
ministerium –ī n.
service, ministry
mortālitās –ātis f.
subjection to death, mortality
** nesciō nescīre nescīvī/nesciī nescītus **
to not know
peccātum –ī n.
a fault, error, delinquency, sin, crime (> pecco)
portiō –ōnisf.
part, section, portion
rather, more
praedicātor –ōris m.
praedicō praedicāre praedicāvī praedicātus
to proclaim, tell; (LL) preach
prior priōris
former, previous, prior, first; ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, people of an earlier time
on behalf of, for, instead of, in accordance with (+ abl.); in order to (LL)
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
to search for, seek, ask; (absol.) seek or acquire wealth, etc.
because; (introducing a clause after a verb of saying) that
quōmodō or separately quō modō
in what way, manner? how?; in the same manner as; just as; as
- requiēscō requiēscere requiēvī requiētum *
to rest
- requīrō requīrere requīsīvī requīsītus *
to require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for
resistō resistere restitī
to pause; continue; resist, oppose; reply; withstand, stand (+ dat.); make a stand
sapientia sapientiae f.
** sciō scīre scīvī/sciī scītus **
to know
without (+ abl.)
superbus superba superbum
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
suus –a –um
his (own), her (own), its (own); their (own)
testimōnium testimōni(ī) n.
testimony; deposition; evidence; witness (used of ark and tabernacle)
introduces the first question of a double direction question or Indirect Question
valdē (valdius, valdissimē)
greatly, very, intensely; vigorously, strongly, powerfully, energetically; loudly
virtūs virtūtis f.
manliness, courage; excellence, virtue
** volō velle voluī **
to be willing, want, wish; mean, signify