Confessions 1.4 Flashcards
aestuō aestuāre aestuāvī aestuātus
to glow, to be dried up or parched; boil up; heave, foam; fume; rage, seethe (> aestus)
** agō agere ēgī āctus **
to drive; do; spend, conduct; concern (oneself with a thing); make a proposal (about)
** āmittō āmittere āmīsī āmīssus **
to lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop
amō amāre amāvī amātus
to love
avārus –a –um
cōnsilium cōnsiliī n.
deliberation; plan, advice; judgment
creō creāre creāvī creātus
to create, produce
down from, about, concerning; starting at (a point in time)
- dēbeō dēbēre dēbuī dēbitus *
to owe; ought
dēsum deesse defuī
to be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing
- doleō dolēre doluī dolitus *
to feel pain, suffer, be in pain, ache
dōnō dōnāre dōnāvī dōnātus
to give; present (with), reward; concede, waive (a legal claim)
dulcēdō –inis f.
sweetness; delight, joy (> dulcis)
- egeō egēre eguī *
to need (+ gen./abl.), lack, want; require, be without
** exigō exigere exēgī exāctus **
to drive out, exact, collect
fortis forte
brave; strong
** gaudeō gaudēre gāvīsus sum **
to be glad, rejoice
immūtābilis –e
incomprehēnsibilis –e
unable to be seized or held; incomprehensible, inconceivable
innovō –āre –āvī –ātus
to renew, alter
lacking, poor; destitute of (+ gen.)
** īrāscor īrāscī īrātus **
to feel resentment, be angry, be in a rage
iūstus –a –um
just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
loquāx –ācis
talkative; prattling, chirping; noisy (> loquor)
lucrum lucrī n.
gain, profit
misericors misericordis
compassionate, merciful
mūtō mūtāre mūtāvī mūtātus
to change; take in exchange, give in exchange
mūtus –a –um
inarticulate, mute, dumb, silent
nihil or nīl n.
novus –a –um
new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary (> novae res, f. pl. = revolution)
nūtriō –īre –īvī (–iī) –ītus
to nourish, suckle; breed, rear, train
omnipotēns –entis
all–powerful, almighty; supreme, sovereign; subst., The Almighty (> omnis and potens)
optimus –a –um
best, excellent
paenitet paenitēre paenituit
to make sorry, cause to repent
** perdō perdere perdidī perditus **
to destroy; lose
**perdūcō perdūcere perdūxī perductum **
to bring over, persuade
** perficiō perficere perfēcī perfectus **
to complete, accomplish
portō portāre portāvī portātus
to carry a load, transport
powerful, strong; capable; mighty
present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious
so as to pass by, past; beyond; except (+ acc.)
- prōtegō –tegere –texī –tectum *
to cover, conceal; protect
pulcher pulchra pulchrum
beautiful, handsome
- quiēscō quiēscere quiēvī quiētus *
to sleep, rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit
**recipiō recipere recēpī receptus **
to keep back; recover; undertake; guarantee; accept, take in; take back
** reddō reddere reddidī redditus **
to return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate; reproduce, render; repeat
rogō rogāre rogāvī rogātus
to ask (for)
sanctus –a –um
consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just
sēcrētus –a –um
separated, apart, retired, solitary; secret; unnoticed (> secerno)
secūrus –a –um
free from care, tranquil; careless
summus –a –um
highest; top (of); last, final
superērogō –āre –āvī —
to pay more than one’s due, spend over and above
taceō tacēre tacuī tacitus
to be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something
tranquillus –a –um
calm, still; subst., tranquillum, i, n., a calm; calm weather
ūsūra ūsūrae f.
use, enjoyment
alas, woe to
vetus veteris
vetustās vetustātis f.
age, antiquity
vīta vītae f.
zēlō –āre –āvī –ātus
to love with zeal or ardently