Confessions 1.18.28 Flashcards
āvolō āvolāre āvolāvī āvolātus
to fly away
barbarismus –ī m.
an impropriety of speech, barbarism
** cōnfundō cōnfundere cōnfūdī cōnfūsus **
to pour together, confuse; proelia confundere: stir up battle; combine, bring together; to disconcert, embarrass
** cōnsequor cōnsequī cōnsecūtus sum **
to follow, go/come after; attend on; pursue; catch up with, overtake; follow up; happen subsequently, ensue, follow in order/time; act accordingly, follow plan; seek after, aim at; achieve, reach; obtain, acquire, gain; grasp, comprehend
currus currūs m.
egēnus –a –um
needy; in want, destitute; distressed, straitened, imperiled, desperate (> egeo)
factum factī n.
out of doors, out through the doors, forth, out
glōrior gloriārī gloriātus sum
to boast of, glory in
immānis immāne
huge, monstrous
integer integra integrum
untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh (troops), vigorous
iter itineris n.
journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]
libīdinōsus –a –um
full of desire, passionate, wilful, licentious, sensual, lustful, voluptuous, libidinous
longanimis –e
long-suffering, patient, forbearing, steadfast
a long way, far; by far