Confessions 1.5 Flashcards
ā ab abs
(away) from; by (agency) + abl.
- abscondō abscondere abscondī / abscondidī absconditus / absconsus *
to put out of sight, hide, conceal; to conceal; lose sight of, withdraw from
- adquiēscō adquiescere adquiēvī adquietus *
to become quiet, come to rest, to find comfort in
adversus or adversum
facing, opposite, against, opposed (to)
aliēnum –ī n.
the property of a stranger, another’s possessions
alter altera alterum
the other (of two)
** amplector amplectī amplexus sum **
to embrace
angustus –a –um
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty
anima animae f.
a breeze or breath of air; the air; wind or blast of the bellows; breath (of life); soul
before, earlier, previously; in front of (+ acc.)
** aperiō aperīre aperuī apertus **
to uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out
apprehendō apprehendere apprehendī apprehēnsum
to seize, take hold of
audiō audīre audīvī audītus
to hear, listen (to)
auris auris f.
bonum –ī n.
a good thing; good; blessing, happiness; comp., melius, oris, n., a better thing; melius est, it is better; in melius, for the better; to a better state; meliora, um, better things
clāmō clāmāre clāmāvī clāmātus
to proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shouts
** contendō contendere contendī contentus **
to stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend (bow/catapult); tune; stretch out; compete/contend (fight/law), dispute; compare/match/contrast; demand/press for; strain/tense; make effort, strive for; speak seriously/passionately; assert; hurl, shoo
with (prep. +abl.)
** currō currere cucurrī cursus **
to run/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly
dēlictum –ī n.
wrong; transgression
dīlātō –āre –āvī –ātus
to spread out, dilate; to expand, enlarge, amplify, extend
** dīmittō dīmittere dīmīsī dimīssus **
to send away/off; allow to go, let go/off; disband, discharge, dismiss (soldiers); dissolve (assembly); part with; put away; divorce; pay off, settle (debt); release, set free; allow to escape/slip away; shake off/scatter/shed; discontinue, renoun
domus domī f.
house, home
lo! behold! look!
(interj. expressive of grief), ah! alas! woe is me!
faciēs facieī f.
appearance, face, form
** fallō fallere fefellī falsus **
to deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat
** fateor fatērī fassus sum **
to confess, admit
hic haec hoc
this; these
ille illa illud
that; those
impietās –ātisf.
irreverence, ungodliness, impiety, disloyalty
inēbriō –āre
to make drunk, intoxicate
ingēns ingentis
huge; oustanding
inīquitās –ātis f.
injustice, mischief
** iubeō iubēre iussī iussus **
to order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray
iūdicium iūdici(ī) n.
trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice; judgment/sentence/verdict; judging; jurisdiction/authority; opinion/belief
** loquor loquī locūtus sum **
to speak
malum malī n.
evil, misfortune, calamity
mentior mentīrī mentītus
to invent, assert falsely, lie, cheat, deceive, pretend
miserātiō –ōnis f.
pity, compassion, sympathy
misereor –ērī miseritus sum
to pity
miseria miseriae f.
wretchedness, misery
morior morī mortuus sum
to die
mundō mundāre
to make clean, to clean, cleanse
(introduces negative purpose clause) in order that…not; (introduces negative indirect command) that…not; (introduces positive fear clause) that
** nōlō nōlle nōluī **
to be unwilling, not want, not wish (+ inf.)
** oblīvīscor oblīvīscī oblītus sum **
to forget (+ gen.)
observō observāre observāvī observātus
to watch, observe
occultum –ī n.
a secret
oculus oculī m.
** offendō offendere offendī offēnsus **
to offend, give offense (to); displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt (feelings); strike/knock against; bump into; stumble upon; spoil/harm; meet, find, encounter, be faced with; run aground; violate/wrong
** parcō parcere pepercī parsus **
to forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with (+ dat.)
parvus –a –um minor –or –us minimus –a –um
small, little, cheap; unimportant
after(ward), later; behind (+ acc.)
prōloquor prōloquī prōlocūtus
to speak; declare
on account of, because of (+ acc.)
because, the fact that
** reficiō reficere refēcī refectus **
to rebuild, repair, restore
ruīnōsus –a –um
ruinous, liable to collapse; ruined, dilapidated
salūs salūtis f.
safety, health
servus servī m.
if, freq.; causal, if, indeed, since; equivalent to cum; whether
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
sustineō sustinēre sustinuī sustentus
to support; check; put off; put up with, endure, sustain; hold back; be able to
ūnus –a –um
1, alone; single
vēritās vēritātis f.
** videō vidēre vidī vīsus **
to see; (passive) be seen, seem
vōx vōcis f.
voice; word