Confessions 1.6.8-9 Flashcards
aetās aetātis f.
age; lifetime; time
at any place, somewhere, anywhere
causa causae f.
reason, cause; case; lawsuit; (in abl., often after a word in gen.) for the sake of
- coepī coepisse coeptum *
to begin
** cōnfiteor cōnfitērī cōnfessus sum **
to confess, admit
deinde or dein
then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place
** discō discere didicī **
to learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge/skill of/in
dormiō dormīre dormīvī dormītum
to sleep, rest; go to sleep, be/fall asleep; be idle, do nothing
experīmentum –ī n.
a proof, test, trial, experiment
fēmina fēminae f.
woman; wife
iactō iactāre iactāvī iactātus
to throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss
indicō indicāre indicāvī indicātus
to point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse
indīgnor –ātus sum
to deem unworthy; to fret, chafe, be impatient; resent; scorn; be angry, indignant
īnfāns –antis
not capable of speech; an infant
īnstabilis –e
not steadfast, unsteady, unstable, tottering, not firm
within, inside, on the inside; during; under; fewer than
** introeō –īre –iī –itum **
to go in, enter
irratiōnālis (inratiōnālis) –e
without reason, irrational
līber lībera līberum
free (man); unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute; unconstrained, unrestrained, unencumbered; licentious; idle; w/abandon
magis or mage
to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more
** maneō manēre mānsī mānsus **
to remain, stay; await; abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night (sexual); lodge, stay
membrum membrī n.
limb, member, part
memoria memoriae f.
miser misera miserum
wretched, pitiable, miserable
mortuus –a –um
mūtābilis –e
changeable, unstable, fickle, inconstant; changeful, that brings changes (> muto)
nūtrītor –ōris m.
feeder, nourisher; foster-father, guardian, tutor
obsum obesse obfuī
to be in the way, hinder
obtemperō obtemperāre obtemperāvī obtemperātus
to obey, comply
formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future
orīgō –inis f.
origin, source; birth, family; race; ancestry
** ostendō ostendere ostendī **
to show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit
pater patris m.
paucus –a –um
(pl.) a few; (sing.) small
little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit
praegnāns –antis
with young, pregnant (> prae and geno)
at first, in the first place; at the beginning
prīmordius –a –um
quālis quāle
what sort of; of which sort, as
ratiō ratiōnis f.
account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard
** rīdeō rīdēre rīsī rīsus **
to laugh at (+ dat.), laugh; ridicule
saeculum saeculī n.
age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century; worldliness; the world; heathenism; time; past/present/future [in ~ => forever]
sempiternus –a –um
sēnsus sēnsūs m.
perception, feeling; sense
** sentiō sentīre sēnsī sēnsus **
to perceive; feel
serviō servīre servīvī servītus
to serve; be a slave to (+ dat.)
signum signī n.
mark, impression, sign, signal; standard
similis simile
similar (+ gen. or dat.)
** stō stāre stetī statum **
to stand; stand fast, endure
subdō –ere –didī –ditus
to put under; place or fasten under; bury
succēdō succēdere successī successus
to climb; advance; follow; succeed in
supplex supplicis
suppliant; a suppliant (> supplico, beseech)
tālis tāle
such, of such a sort
temporālis –e
of a time, but for a time, temporary, transitory
where, when; (adv. of place and time; relat.), where; (indefinite), wheresoever; (interrog.), where; (of time), when; whenever; as soon as; in comparison
ūllus –a –um
valeō valēre valuī valitus
to be strong, be able; be well, fare well; be worth
vigilō vigilāre vigilāvī vigilātus
to remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant
vindicō vindicāre vindicāvī vindicātus
to claim, vindicate; punish, avenge
vīscus vīsceris n.
innards, viscera, guts
** vīvō vīvere vīxī vīctus **
to live, be alive
voluntās voluntātis f.
will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent; pleasure, delight, enjoyment
and; both…and