Confessions 1.11.18 Flashcards
baptīzō –āre –āvī –ātum
to baptize
cito citius (comp.) citissime (superl.)
** committō committere commīsī commīssus **
to bring together, unite, join, connect, attach; put together, construct; entrust; engage (battle), set against; begin, start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit
dīligentia dīligentiae f.
thrifty, economical, frugal; attentive, fond (of), devoted (to)
effigiēs –eī f.
something molded or fashioned; a figure, likeness, or image (> effingo)
fluctus fluctūs m.
wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion
** impendō –pendere –pendī –pēnsum **
to weigh out; to lay out; to expend
laxō laxāre laxāvī laxātus
to spread out; to relax
lōrum lōrī n. or lorus –ī m.
thong, strap, strip of leather; shoe strap; whip; dog leash; reins
by how much, by as much as, according as
quantus –a –um
how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price
how many , as many as (undeclinable)
sānō sānāre sānāvī sānātus
to heal
temptātiō –ōnis f.
an attack; attempt, trial
tūtēla –ae f.
a watching, keeping, charge, care, safeguard, defence, protection; ward, guardian, watch, protector
tūtus –a –um
safe, prudent; secure; protected
from every side/direction/place/part/source; on all/both sides/surfaces; everywhere; completely; allover; from every point of view, in all respects
vulnerō vulnerāre vulnerāvī vulnerātus
to wound/injure/harm, pain/distress; inflict wound on; damage (things/interest of)