Conditions of Uterus/Cervix Flashcards
When do the Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts arise?
6 weeks
When should the Mullerian (paramesonephric) ducts fuse at midline?
9 weeks
Uterine Didelphys is caused by?
Failure of the Paramesonephric ducts to fuse
What will be present with uterine Didelphys?
2 uterine cavities
2 cervices
Possibly 2 vaginas
If the midline septum of the Mullerian ducts does not resolve, what will occur?
Septate Uterus
Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome is caused by? What results?
Mullerian duct AGENESIS
– absence of uterus and upper vagina
Anomalies of the uterus and cervix usually occur _____
DES exposure in utero will cause what 2 anomalies?
- T shaped endometrial cavity
- Cervical collar deformity
If a T shaped endometrial cavity and cervical collar deformity are present, what occured?
DES exposure in utero
What are uterine Fibroids?
Uterine Leiomyomas
Uterine Leiomyomas are benign or malignant? What cells proliferate where?
– Smooth muscle cells proliferate in myometrium
What is the most common neoplasm of the uterus?
Uterine Leiomyomas = fibroids
What are some risk factors for Fibroids?
Increased age
No pregnancies
What is the presentation of Uterine Leiomyomas?
Usually asymptomatic
– possible bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure
How do Fibroids (leiomyomas) look?
Spherical white-tan and well circumscribed
What does the cut section of a fibroid look like?
Subserosal Leiomyoma
Beneath uterine serosal surface
Intramural Leiomyoma
Within the myometrium
Submucosal Leiomyoma
Beneath the endometrium
Cervical Intraligamentous Leiomyoma
Between the broad ligaments
What location of Fibroids is the most common and which type can become pedunculated?
Most common = Intramural (within myometrium)
Pedunculated = Submucosal (beneath endometrium)
How may a Fibroid be discovered?
Bimanual exam or US
=> enlarged or irregular uterus
How will the Fibroid be felt with a bimanual exam and what is it described as?
Mass will move with the cervix
– described in “week size”
What is the first line treatment for Leiomyomas?
Oral contraceptive pills (estrogen + progesterone)