Cognitive Psychology- Methods and Tasks Flashcards
Paivios work on memory using a method that linked behaviour and cognition where participants are presented with pairs of words, like boat-hat, during a study period. During the test period, the participants are then presented with the first word of from each pair and their task is to recall the word that was paired with it during the study period
paired-associate learning
imagine a map of your state that includes three locations: the place where you live, a town that is far away and another town that is closer but does not fall on a straight line connecting your location and the far town. Your task is to create a mental image of your state and, starting at your location, to form an image of a black speck moving along a straight line between your location and the closer town.
mental scanning
a technique in which an electrode is implanted into the brain and then monitored over a period of a few days. Because the electrodes are implanted, it is possible, with the patients’ consent, to record the activity caused by cognitive actions such as perceiving, imagining, and remembering. These experiments make it possible not only to record neural responses to stimuli, as is routinely done in animal experiments, but also to study how these neurons respond when the patients carry out cognitive activities such as imaging and remembering
recording from single neurons
a test designed to measure spatial imagery.
Participants see a piece of paper being folded and then pierced by a pencil. Their task was to pick from five choices what the paper would look like when unfolded
paper folding test
an analysis that determined the pattern on voxel activation within various structures, where a classifier is trained to recognise patterns of voxel activity
multivoxel pattern analysis
a technique in which temporary disruption of a particular brain area is done by applying a pulsating magnetic field using a stimulating could placed over the person’s skull. - A series of pulses presented to a particular area of the brain for seconds or minutes temporarily interferes with brain functioning in that area.
transcranial magnetic stimulation
a measure of brain response where small disc electrodes are placed on a person’s scalp, each electrode picks up signals from groups of neurons fired together in response to specific events or stimuli
event related potential
a technique based on detection of how water diffuses along the length of nerve fibres
track weighted imaging
- uses task related fMRI to determine a brain location associated with carrying out a specific task at the seed location
- measure the resting state fMRI at the seed location
- measure the resting state fMRI at a test location
- calculate the correlation between the seed and test location responses
resting state functional connectivity
the fMRI response recorded when a person is at rest/not involved in any cognitive tasks
resting state fMRI
The fMRI response that occurs in response to a specific cognitive task.
task related fMRI
a procedure in which participants are presented with a stimulus they have encountered before and asked to indicate whether they remember the circumstances under which they initially encountered ir, or if the stimulus seems familiar but don’t remember experiencing it earlier
remember/know procedure
A task used to assess creativity, in which the person’s task is to think unusual uses for an object
alternate uses task
A procedure in which a specific area is removed from an animal’s brain. It is usually done to determine the function of this area by assessing the effect on the animal’s behavior.
brain ablation
Detecting differences between pictures or displays that are presented one after another.
change detection task
A problem in which three words are presented, and the task is to determine one word that when combined with each of these words forms a new word or a phrase
compound remote association learning
Searching among distractors for a target
that involves two or more features, such as “horizontal” and “green.”
conjunction search
A procedure for testing memory in which a participant is presented with cues, such as words or phrases, to aid recall of previously experienced stimuli
cued recall
A task in which a line drawing is degraded by omitting parts of the drawing and obscuring it with a visual noise pattern. The person’s task is to identify the object.
degraded pictures task
Procedure used in Sperling’s experiment on the properties of the visual icon, in which participants were instructed to report only some of the stimuli in a briefly presented display. A cue tone that was delayed for a fraction of a second after the display was extinguished indicated which part of the display to report.
delayed partial report method
A task in which information is provided, a delay is imposed, and then memory is tested. This task has been used to study short-term memory by testing monkeys’ ability to hold information about the location of a food reward during a delay.
delayed response task
The procedure of presenting one message to the left ear and a different message to the right ear.
dichotic listening
Searching among distractors for a target item that involves detecting one feature, such as “horizontal.
feature search
A brain imaging technique that measures how blood flow changes in response to cognitive activity