Cognitive Psychology - Conceptual Knowledge Flashcards
According to this approach to categorization, we can decide whether something is a member of a category by determining whether a particular object meets the definition of the category.
definitional approach
Wittgenstein proposed the idea of ___________ to deal with the problem that definitions often do not include all members of a category.
family resemblance
the idea that things in a particular category resemble one another in a number of ways
family resemblance
the idea that we decide whether something is a member of a category by determining whether it is similar to a standard representation of a category
prototype approach to categorization
a standard used in categorisation that is formed by averaging the category members a person has encountered in the past
Rosch describes these variations within categories as representing differences in _______.
a category member closely resembles the category prototype
high typicality
the category member does not closely resemble a typical member of the category
low typicality
the ability to judge highly prototypical objects more rapidly i
typicality effect
Presentation of one stimulus affects responses to a stimulus that follows. - results showing faster same–different color judgments for high-prototypical items (Rosch, 1975b) illustrates what effect?
results showing that faster reaction time to statements like “A _______ is a bird” for high-prototypical items (like robin) than for low-prototypical items (like ostrich) (Smith et al., 1974). illustrates what effect?
Things in a category resemble each other in a number of way, where results showing higher ratings for high-prototypical items when people rate how “good” a member of the category it is (Rosch, 1975a). illustrated what effect?
family resemblance
approach proposing that determining whether an object is similar to other objects where the standard approach involves many examples
exemplar approach to categorization
actual members of the category that a person has encountered in the past.
kind of organization, in which larger, more general categories are divided into smaller, more specific categories, creating a number of levels of categories
hierarchical organization
Rosch’s approach is a hierarchical approach, what are the three levels of categories she distinguished?
- superordinate level
- basic level
- subordinate level
the subordinate level is also called what?
specific level
Furniture would be categorised where according to Rosch’s hierarchical approach?
superordinate (global)
Chair would be categorised where according to Rosch’s hierarchical approach?
truck would be categorised where according to Rosch’s hierarchical approach?
Ford would be categorised where according to Rosch’s hierarchical approach?
subordinate (specific)
the superordinate level is also called what?
global level
Rosch proposed that the _______ level is psychologically special
an approach to understanding how concepts are organised in the mind that proposes that concepts are arranged in networks
semantic network approach