Cognitive Deficits (Perceptual) Flashcards
What is unilateral neglect?
Inability to register and integrate stimuli and perceptions from one side of the body (body neglect) or the environment (spatial neglect)
Aka: Hemineglect
Which side of the body is usually affected by hemineglect?
Left side of the body; Right sided lesion (parietal lobe)
What is Anosognosia?
Lack of awareness, denial or lack of insight to their deficits.
What is Right-Left Discrimination?
Inability to identify the right and left sides of one’s own body or that of the examiner
- Patient cannot tell the PT which is the right arm or the left arm.
- Not able to understand the command “turn right at the corner”
With a patient with Right-Left Discrimination Disorder what verbal cues/command do we need to avoid?
Avoid using commands that include terms “right and left”
What is Finger Agnosia?
Inability to identify the fingers of one’s own hands or that of the examiners.
- Difficulty naming fingers on command
- Difficulty naming what finger was touched
What movements/tasks deficits are Finger Agnosia highly correlated with?
Poor dexterity; Fine Motor Skills
- Buttoning a shirt
- Typing
- Tying shoes
Which lobe has the biggest role in spatial perception?
Right Parietal Lobe
What is Figure-Ground Discrimination?
Inability to visually distinguish a figure from the background in which it is embedded
- Patient cannot located items in a drawer, buttons on a shirts.
What is Form Discrimination?
Inability to perceive or attend to subtle differences in form and shape.
- Patient confuses objects of similar shape
- Confusing a pen with a toothbrush
What is a spatial relations disorder?
Inability to perceive the relationship of one object in space to another object or to oneself
What is a Position in Space Impairment?
Inability to perceive and interpret spatial concepts such as up, down, under, over, in, out, in front of, and behind.
- Not understand if we say put your hands “above” your head
- Put your feet “on” the footrests.
What is Topographical Disorientation?
Difficulty in understanding and remembering the relationship of one location to another. (Trouble navigating their familiar environment)
- Patient unable to get from one place or another, such as going from their room to the PT clinic despite being shown repeatedly.
- Unable to describe the layout of their bedroom at home.
What is Depth and Distance Perception Disorder?
Inaccurate judgement of direction, distance and depth.
- Difficulty navigating stairs
- Miss a chair when attempting sit
- Pouring water in a glass that is already full
What is Vertical Disorientation?
Distorted perception of what is vertical
- May view the world differently, thus affecting posture