Cerebral Palsy Flashcards
What is damaged in Spastic CP?
UMN, motor cortex damage; increased tone
- Especially Anti-Gravity Muscles
What is damaged in Athetoid CP?
Damage to the Basal Ganglia; slow writhing movements
Risk factors for CP: Prenatal
- Rh incompatibility
- Maternal Malnutrition
- Infection
- Diabetes
Hypo or Hyperthyroidism associated with Prenatal CP?
Risk Factors for CP: Perinatal
- Multiple Births
- Premature Births
- Low Birth Weight
- Asphyxia
Risk Factors: Postnatal
- Head Trauma
- Infection
- Brain Tumor
What is Monoplegia?
One involved extremity
What is Hemiplegia?
Unilateral involvement of the upper and lower extremities
What is Quadriplegia?
Involvement of ALL extremities
General Characteristics of CP?
- Motor Delays
- Abnormal Muscle Tone and Motor Control
- Abnormal Reflexes
- Poor postural control
- Impaired intellect, vision, hearing
Common Comorbidities
- Seizures
- Vision and Hearing Impairments
- Hydrocephalus
PT Management
- Neurodevelopmental Treatment
- Sensory integration techniques
- Tone Normalization
- Milestones
Surgical Management
- Hip Correction
- Dorsal Rhizotomy
- Scoliosis Correction
Is CP progressive?
No, CP is non-progressive
How is this similar to Arthrogryposis?
Occurs in utero, also considered to be non-progressive.