Chronic myeloproliferative disorders and chronic myeloid leukaemia Flashcards
What are chronic myeloproliferative disorders?
long term condition in which there is malignant proliferation of myeloid cells in the bone marrow
What are the 3 main chronic myeloproliferative disorders?
Polycythaemia Vera
Essential thrombocytosis
Idiopathic Myelofibrosis
can lead to acute leukaemia
What is Polycythaemia Vera?
bone marrow produces too many red cells
can be primary or secondary i.e. hypoxic, renal disease, drubs, congenital
What is essential thrombocythaemia?
Increased platelets
What is Myelofibrosis?
Variable cytopenias - reduction in the number of blood cells
with a large spleen
What are the signs and symptoms of polycythaemia Vera?
Insidious Itching (aquagenic- hot baths) Plethoric face - red face Headache, muzziness, General malaise Tinnitus Peptic ulcer Gout - uric acid comes from the breakdown of RBC Gangrene of the toes Plethora - excessive blood Engorged retinal veins Splenomegaly
How is polycythaemia Vera diagnoised?
Persistent increased Hb/hct >0.5 FBC Ferritn Epo level UE/LFT
What happens if there is a point mutation in the JAK tyrosine kinase?
diagnostic of myeloproliferative disorders
JH2 domain effected
DNA of that cell replicates & divides all the time
What are the first line tests to detect Thrombocytosis?
FBC and film Ferritin CRP - C-reactive protein CXR ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate
What is the CALR mutation?
Calreticulin mutation
cell signalling protein produced in endoplasmic Reticulin
Mutation in EXON 9 of gene
Found in Myeloid progenitors
Mechanism of action unknown at present but may activate cell signal pathways
What are the signs and symptoms of myelofibrosis?
B symptoms - fevers, night sweats, weight loss (10%)
Massive splenomegaly - takes over making the RBC. Pain, smaller appetite, frequency
What investigations are done when suspecting myelofibrosis?
FBC and film Haematinics - folates, iron, B12 Bone marrow results JAK2 mutation CALR mutation
What is the acronym for causes of splenomegaly?
CHICAGO Cancer Haematological - Myelofibrosis, CML Infection - Schistosomiasis,malaria Congestion - Liver disease / portal Autoimmune- haemolysis Glycogen storage disorders Other - Amyloid, etc
Out of Polycythaemia Vera, Essential thrombocytosis and Idiopathic Myelofibrosis, which is the most serious with the worst prognosis?
Idiopathic Myelofibrosis
What are the characteristics for chronic myeloid leukaemia?
Leucoerythroblastic blood picture
What are the symptoms and signs of chronic myeloid leukaemia?
Abdominal discomfort - Splenomegaly Abdominal pain - Splenic infarction Fatigue - Anaemia, catabolic state Venous occlusion - Retinal vein, DVT, priapism Gout - Hyperuricaemia
What causes Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia?
Philadelphia chromosome
translational of chromosome 9 and 22 = oncogene