Chemistry of life Flashcards
How much strong is a pH compared to the next number?
A pH of 10 is 10 times the pH of 9. A pH of 5 is ten times the pH of 4. etc.
Letter representation of synthesis is:
A+B —-> AB
What is an enzyme?
Catalysts containing carbon. They speed up chemical reactions.
What is a constant of an acid?
Hydrogen (H+) ions.
What is an exchange reaction?
When the atoms of one compound trade places with the atoms of another compound
What is used to make co-enzymes?
Some vitamins are used to make co-enzymes.
What is an example of an acid?
HCl–(aq)–> H+ Cl-
What is an example of synthesis?
CO2 + H2O —> H2CO3
Carbon dioxide and water become carbonic acid, or soda.
Letter representation of exchange is:
What are the steps of an enzyme working?
Step 1: The chemicals key into the enzyme.
Step 2: The chemical reaction happens.
Step 3: The chemicals leave when the chemical reaction has happened.
Is water an acid or a base?
Water is neutral.
Describe the structural formula of a rearrangement reaction.

What is a rearrangement reaction?
When the number and type of atom don’t change, but the bonding pattern changes.
What is an aqueous solution?
A solution that is mostly water.
What is the equation for salt becoming salt?
Na+ + Cl- —-> NaCl
What is the equation for a salt?
Acid+ base = water + salt
What is a decomposition reaction?
A single compund breaking down into two or more smaller compounds.
How does an enzyme work?
The chemicals enter the enzyme (like a lock to a key).
What is a catalyst?
A chemical substance that speeds up a reaction without being changer at the end of the reaction.
How many types of reactions can an enzyme speed up?
An enzyme can speed up one type of reaction.
What happens if an enzyme is taken over by a poision?
The cells will destroy the enzyme and create a new one.
What are buffers?
Buffers are chemical compunds (weak acids) that combine with the extra acid, base to remove them and create a pH of 7 (neutral)
What is pH?
The power of hydrogen, a mathematical way to measure the strength of an acid or a base.
What kind of charge does an ionic compound have?
It has a neutral charge/ no charge.
What is a salt?
The result of a chemical reaction between an acid and a base that doesn’t dissasociate to produce H+ or OH-.
What are the types of chemical reactions?
Letter representation of rearrangement is:
What is an isotope?
Atoms of an element with a different number of neutrons than the other.
What happens when an ionic compund is put in water?
When an ionic compund is put in water, it has a tendency to break apart (dissasociate).
What is the rule of enzyme specificity?
An enzyme can only fit one type of chemical into itself.
What is an example of decomposition?
H2CO3—->CO2 + H2O
Carbonic Acid (soda) becomes water and carbon dioxide.
What is an organic compound?
A compound with carbon.
What is the equation for salt dissolving?
NaCl–(aq)–> Na+ + Cl-
What is an acid?
An ionic compound that dissasociaties in water to produce hydrogen ions (H+).
What is an ionic compound?
A chemical reaction between two ions that have opposite charges.
What is an example of a salt?
NaCl–(aq)–>Na+ + Cl-
What is another name for a base?
If a cell has more poison than enzymes, what happens to the cell?
The cell will die.
What is an inorganic compound?
A compund without carbon.
What does dissasociate mean?
to break apart.
How do you know the strength of an acid or base?
If the solution has more products than reactants, then the strength is strong. Vise versa.
What is an example of exchange?
Hydrogen chloride and sodium hydroxide become water and sodium chrolide.
What type of bonding does an atom go through when it has four valence electrons?
Covalent bonding.
What is an example of a base?
What does poison do to your enzymes?
Poison takes almost the same shape as the chemicals that need an enzyme. It then lodges itself into the enzyme, rendering the enzyme useless.
Which part of a compound has which type of valence?
The part of the compound on the left has a positive valence and the part on the right has a negative valence.
What is a base?
An ionic compound that dissolves in water to produce hydroxyl (OH-) ions.
What are the three types of ionic compounds?
Acid, base, and salt.
What is an example of rearrangement?
C4H10—> C4H10
Butant to propane
What kind of reaction makes a salt?
An exchange reaction.
How strong is an acid or base based on pH?
The further away from neutral an acid or base is, the stronger it is.
What is a synthesis reaction?
When two or more compunds combine to make a single compound.
What is a co-enzyme?
A co-enzyme is an organic chemical compound that activates the enzyme.
Letter representation of decomposition is:
Why are co-enzymes useful?
If there is enough of a substance, then the co-enzyme will turn the enzyme off. If there is not enough of an enzyme, then the co-enzyme will activate the enzyme.
If a cell has less poison than enzymes, what happens to the cell?
The cell will survive.
What is an ion?
A atom that has gained or lost electrons ( an atom or a group of atoms that have an electric charge)
What is the pH of a living human cells?
A living cell will have a pH of about 6 to 8.
What are all enzymes made off?