Chapter 7 Flashcards
Power vs Influence
Power - The potential of one person to influence another person or group.
Influence - Power in use
Coercive power
The ability to punish
Reward power
The ability to provide incentives
Legitimate power
The ability to make a request and get a response due to the nature of the roles between two people
Expert power
The ability to influence others due to knowledge or a special skill set
Referent power
The ability ro influence based upon others’ identification with the individual and followers’ desire to emulate them
What are the 3 lines of power?
- Lines of supply - Leader brings in the things that the group needs
- Lines of information - Having access to information from all areas of the organization is an important source of power and knowing who to share the information with.
- Lines of support - A leader needs to be able to innovate to have an impact on the organization
The Law of reciprocity
The universal belief that if someone does something for you, they should be paid back
How can you create dependence?
When you control resources that rae important, scarce, and cannot be substituted by others.
Impression Management Strategies - Minimizing bad
- Apologies - Saying you are sorry when you violate the trust
- Excuses - Not taking responsibility for your failures
- Blaming poor performance on another department’s failure to respond
Impression Management Strategies - Maximizing good
- Exemplification - Trying to apprar busy, even when things are slow at work
- Ingratiation - Using flattery to make your coworkers like you more
- Self-Promotion - Hanging your diplomas on your office wall so that people are aware of your accomplishments
Perceptions of organizational politics (POP)
Individual’s subjective appraisal of the extent to which the work environment is characterized as self-serving of various individuals and groups, to the detriment or at the cost of other individuals or groups
What does perceptions of organizational politics (POP) consist of?
- General political behavior - The behaviors of individuals who act in a self-serving manner to obtain valued outcomes
- Going along to get ahead - lack of action by individuals in order to secure valued outcomes
- Pay and promotion policies - organization behaving politically through the policies it enacts
What outcomes does high POP (perceptions of organizational politics) elicit?
More job stress and turnover intentions, more counterproductive work behavior, less job satisfaction, citizenship behavior and decreased job performance.
What are political skills? (4)
- Networking ability - the ability to create a diverse constellation of contacts both inside and outside of the organization
- Social astuteness - being able to interpret the behavior of others through attentive observation accurately
- Interpersonal influence - having the ability to adapt influence strategies to different situations
- Apparent sincerity - appearing to others as genuine and honest