Chapter 10 Flashcards
What are the requiremements for a team?
- Two or more individuals
- Social interaction
- Possessing a common goal
- Brought together to perform organizationally relevant tasks
- Interdependent goals and outcomes
- Different roles and responsibilitis
- Linked to a broader system context and task environment like a company
Team norms
Informal and interpersonal rules that team members are expected to follow
Team charter
Some type of set rules that the people in the company set to make the expectations for behavior set and make the norms more explicit. Teams with charters perform better
Shared understanding and mental representation of knowledge about key elements of the team’s relevant environment Related to effective team processes and performance because they (1) allow team members to interpret information similarly (2) share expectations concerning the future (3) develop similar reasoning to why something happens
Five-Stage Model
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning
Punctuated equilibrium
In teams that are temporary and have a clear deadline the five-stage model does not show, instead, there is a transition between an early phase of inactivity follower by a second phase if significant acceleration towards the task completion.
6 Key factors enabling a high-performance team
- team member competencies
- Skills, processes, tools, and techniques
- Interpersonal skills, communication, understanding personlaity differences
- shared value system
- shared vision, purpose, goals, direction
- supporting organizational values
3 main aspects of team effectiveness
- Input - the individual characteristics of team members and the resources they have at disposal
- Process - team development and patterns of participation
- Output - the collective work product generated from the team
What re the 3 types of metrics for teamwork?
- Task metrics - the actual work the team is performing
- Process metrics - assessment of how the teamwork is operating
- Individual development metrics - how much individuals are developing new skills and learning
How to assess the cohesion of your team?
(1) How well do the members get along? (2) How well do the group members remain close to each other? (3) Do they socialize outside of class? (4) How well do members help each other on the project? (5) Would the members want to remain a member of the group for future projects?
What are the symptoms of groupthink?
- Group rationalization - the team members generate explanations that support their preferred course of action
- Direct pressure - those who speak against the group decision are pressured into conformity
- Suppression - members with differing views don’t share them with the group for fear of ridicule
- Illusion of unanimity - the team members believe that they are in agreement
Consensus decision making
(1) Introducing the topic (2) Clarifying the questions (3) Discussion, to show the full perspective and raise concerns (4) Establish basic direction, seeking for a general agreement (5) Modify proposal, integrate what’s been shared and make it more specific (6) Call for consensus, restate the proposal and ask people to indcate where they are (7) Record, read the decision and record any implementation information needed, for instance who is reponsible for what.
(1) Display the list of ptions (2) Number all items (3) Decide how many items must be on the final list (4) Work individually to select the items that are most important (5) Tally votes (6) If a decision is clear stop here, otherwise discuss the differences (7) repeat steps 4 and 5
Nominal Group Technique
(1) Everyone writes their ideas on a card (2) then everyone presents one idea to the team from a randomly selected card (3) discuss cards until all ideas are heard (4) discuss ideas and ask questions to clarify them (5) rank the ideas independently and the idea with the highest total ranking is the final decision
(1) Present the task (2) Two-member discussion on the problem (3) Add third member to the group who presents ideas to the first two members before hearing what was discussed before (4) add one member at a time repeting the same process (5) reach final decision after all members have been brought in and presented their ideas
How can a leader prevent social loafing?
- Keep teams small
- Set meaningful goals
- Set clear roles for team members
- Eliminate redundancy
- Select members with high motivation and affinity for teamwork
- Provide feedback and coaching to members who social loaf
What are the benefits of team diversity?
- diversity enhances creativity and innovation
- increases flexibility, creativity, and problem solving