Chapter 6: Nutrition and Nutrition-Related Interventions Flashcards
A purposively planned activity, program, policy, or other action that is designed with the intent of increasing food and nutrient intake, changing a behavior, risk factor, environmental condition, or aspect of health status for an individual, target group, community, or the population at large.
Nutrition intervention
The transformation of governments’ political priorities into programs. It provides conceptual frameworks/guidelines as bases for over all plans.
E.g. Republic Act, Executive Order, and Presidential Decree, resolution, administrative order, ordinance, or a policy statement.
A cluster of programs that is comprehensive, long-range in time frame, and includes defined goals, strategies, and guidelines for implementation.
Detailed plan that presents personnel, facilities, money, equipment, supplies, and other items directed to accomplish specific objectives.
A cluster of projects.
A specific and time-bound set of tasks or activities undertaken to achieve a given objective according to a defined budget and timetable.
A short-term effort performed by one or several members of a project team.
Activity or task
Are the human, technical, material, institutional, and financial things necessary to realize activities, projects, and programs
Inputs or resources
These are programs directly related to food, including those aiming to improve food availability, accessibility, quality, safety, consumption, and knowledge.
E.g. Nutrition-oriented food policies, food assistance/feeding programs, complementary foods, nutrition education
Explicitly nutritional
Programs with indirect nutritional impact through improvement of effective food demand, food utilization, and energy balance.
e.g. primary health care, sanitation, economic, activity moderation
Implicitly nutritional
It is done by breeding and genetic engineering to increase nutrient content and bioavailability in the crops
Bioforitication by _____ to increase nutrient content
Soil and foliage fertilization
To increase nutrient content of a manufactured food
Post-harvest fortification or food fortification
To increase bioavailability
e.g. cooking
Post-harvest modification
To address immediate deterinants of fetal and child nutrition and development
Nutrition-specific intervention and programs
Development programs that were tweaked to produce nutritional outcomes
Nutrition-sensitive intervention and programs
Actions developed and designed to assist the nutrition specific programs in achieving a greater degree of efficiency and effectiveness
Enabling programs
The country’s highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition.
It promotes a multisectoral, multilevel, and integrated action.
National Nutrition Council (NNC)
EO to formulate food and nutrition policies and strategies to improve nutrition and to coordinate the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the national food and nutrition program.
EO No. 234
NNC governing board is composed of?
10 government organizations, represented by their secretaries
3 representatives from the private sector, appointed by the Presidents for a 2-year term
It is the executive arm of NNC governing board.
It is headed by an executive director, assisted by 2 deputy directors
NNC Secretariat
NNC Secretariat composition (3 offices)
3 technical divisions (policy and planing; monitoring, evaluation, and surveillance; advocacy, education, and training)
2 support divisions (administration and finance)
16 regional offices, headed by the nutrition program coordinators (NPC)
Provides assistance for both the NNC Governing Board and NNC Secretariat
It is composed of directors and bureaus or offices
NNC Technical Committee
Creation of Philippine Institute of Nutrition (PIN)
First attempt to institutionalize a national nutrition program
Reorganization of the PIN into Food and Nutrition Research Center (FNRC) under the National Science and Development Board
Organization of the National Coordinating Council on Food and Nutrition (NCCFN), a loose organization of government and non-government agencies and organizations
Promulgation of EO No. 285
This mandates the National Food and Agriculture Council (NFAC)
EO No. 285
Promulgation of Presidential Decree No. 491
Created the National Nutrition Council as the highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition
Date of promulgation of PD No. 491 or the Nutrition Act of the Philippines
June 25, 1974
This Executive Order created the National Nutrition Council as the highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition
PD 491
Promulgation of EO No. 234
Reorganization Act on the NNC
Reaffirmed the need for an intersectoral national policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition; expanded the membership of NNC to include DBM, DOLE, DTI, NEDA, DSWD
EO No. 234
Date of promulgation of EO No. 234
22 July 1987
AO No. 88
Administrative Order No. _____ named the Department of Agriculture as NNC’s chair
Transferred NNC from the DA to the DOH
Executive order that transferred NNC from the DA to the DOH
Executive Order No. 472
Year of EO No. 472
30 November 2005
Department that sustains Garantisadong Pambata activities as a means to reduce childhood illness and eliminate micronutrient malnutrition
Department of Health
Department that spearheads implementation of the food fortification program and monitors compliance to the Food Fortification Act 2000
Department of Health
Department that monitors compliance to the Act of Salt Iodization Nationwide (ASIN) Law and reports on the status of its implementation to the Salt Iodization Advisory Boards (SIAB)
Department of Health
Department that enforces strict compliance to EO 51 or the Breastfeeding Code to protect the general public from the effects of unethical promotion of breastmilk substitutes and infant feeding formula
Department of Health
Department that increases productivity and real incomes of farmers and fisherfolk
Department of Agriculture
Implement RA 8435 “Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act”
Department of Agriculture
Department that technical assistance to the local government units in implementing the home and community food production program
Department of Agriculture
Department that organizes nutrition committee at the provincial, city, municipal, and barangay levels
Department of Interior and Local Government
Department that participates in the conduct of National and Local Search for Outstanding LGUs in Nutrition
Department of Interior and Local Government
Department that facilitates the provision of seeds, planting materials and fingerlings, and animal stocks to farming and fisherfolk families
Department of Agriculture
Department that ensures appropriate budget for nutrition program and projects of the NNC member
Department of Budget and Management
Department that strengthens the RA 7394 “Consumer Act of the Philippines”
Department of Technology and Industry
Department that implements the National Feeding Program in Day Care Center
Department of Social Welfare and Development
Department that conducts the National Nutrition Surveys to define adequacy and patterns of food consumption and the nutritional status of the Filipino population
Department of Science and Technology
Department that implements the National Feeding Program in elementary schools
Department of Education
Are a package of services and programs aiming to address malnutrition and promote good nutrition
Nutritional Food and Nutrition Plan
Is the country’s response to malnutrition.
An integral companion plan of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP).
It provides the framework for improving the nutritional status of Filipinos
Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PAN)
Blends of partially precooked and milled cereals, soya, beans, and pulses fortified with micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) designed to provide protein supplements
It is mixed with water and cooked as porridge
Fortified Blended Foods (FBS)
It is used to meet nutritional needs of young and moderately malnourished children.
Used in addition to breastmilk and other food for children 6-59 months, at high risk of developing malnutrition due to severe food insecurity
Ready-to-Use Foods (RUFs)
Wheat-based biscuits fortified with vitamins and minerals
Used in the first days of emergency when cooking facilities are scarce
Easy to distribute + provide a quick solution to improve the level of nutrition
High-Energy Biscuits (HEBs)
Tasteless powder containing the recommended daily intake of 16 vitamins and minerals for one person
Can be sprinkled onto home-cooked food after cooking just before eating
Micronutrient Powder or “Sprinkles” (MNP)
Bars of compressed food
Used in disaster relief operations when local food cannot be distributed or prepared
Compressed Food Bars
Based on DepEd Memorandum Order No. 293 s. 2007
Aims to establish school gardens and ensure continuous supply of vegetable for school feeding.
Gulayan sa Paaralan Project
A twice a year program (April and October) started in 1999 to reduce mortality of children aged five years old and below.
It is an integrated package of services concerning health, nutrition, and environmental sanitation that mainly covers micronutrient supplementation of Vitamin A and iron among children
Garantisadong Pambata
a mixture of rice and lentil
Made of rice, soya, and dehydrated vegetables
MannaPack Fortified Rice
Made of potatoes with sweet potato flavor
MannaPack Fortified Potato
A Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food (RUSF)
Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement Medium Quantity (LNS-MQ)
A program jointly endorsed by WHO and UNICEF, emphasized the impact of feeding practices on the nutritional status, growth and development, health, and survival of infants and young children
Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
Age range for IYCF
0-24 months
This method of nutrition education is utilized for purposed of secondary and tertiary prevention.
Considered to be less appropriate for primary prevention focusing on large populations because of cost-effectiveness
Gathering of 2 or more people with a common interest
A specific group of people, often living in a defined geographical area; and arranged in a social structure according to relationships that the community has developed over time.
A number of persons are present in one setting at the same time. Can also be used in different setting: schools, workplace, and organizations.
A large number of people but non-specific amount or number. Focuses on the whole population.
Approach is very cost-effective esp. for the purposes of primary prevention
A two-way interaction
A client and a trained counselor interpret the results of nutrition assessment, identify individual nutrition needs and goals, discuss ways to meet those goals, and agree on next steps.
Nutrition Counseling
Objective: translate to the client the physician’s diet prescription in simple, easily understandable terms; to explain the kind and amount of food to be prepared in specific ways; and to bring about a desired change in behavior into practice
Nutrition Counseling
An informal and voluntary gathering of individuals whether in person, thru conference call, or thru website to exchange ideas, information, and interest
Group Discussion
Agencies of communication that transmit information, education, news, and entertainment to mass audiences.
Mass Media
Application of marketing strategies and techniques to analyze, plan, execute, and evaluate programs that are designed to advance a social cause or idea
Social Marketing
Branding tactics with a consistent bundle of promised benefitd
Product-driven approaches
Use social norms to inform people about the actual frequency of behaviors among groups to create salient social pressure
Consumer-driven approaches
Positioning of products as an alternatice to the competition
Market-driven approaches
An organized activity aimed at communicating information and/or instructions to improve the intended audience’s performance or help attain a required level of knowledge or skill
NNC meaning
National Nutrition Council
RNC meaning
Regional Nutrition Council
PNC meaning
Provincial Nutrition Committee
CNC meaning
City Nutrition Committee
MNC meaning
Municipal Nutrition Committee
BNC meaning
Barangay Nutrition Committee
Chair at national level
DOH Secretary
Chair at regional level
Regional Director
Chair at provincial level
Chair at city and municipal level
Chair at barangay level
Brgy captain
Focal point person at national level
Executive Director
Focal point person at regional level (RNPC)
Regional Nutrition Program Coordinator
Focal point person at provincial level (PNAO)
Provincial Nutrition Action Officer
Focal point person at city level (CNAO)
City Nutrition Action Officer
Focal point person at municipality level (MNAO)
Municipal Nutrition Action Officer
Focal point person at barangay level (BNS)
Barangay Nutrition Scholar
Fundamental tool which describes the characteristics and operation of selected interventions.
Also provides the program leader the basic technical information and needs of the planning and evaluation team.
Operational plan
LDP meaning
Local Development Plans
AIP meaning
Annual Investment Program
Regular and periodical follow-up of the implementation of planned activities and progress to determine whether program objectives by phase or activity are planned.
Systematic assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the project achievements based on the set objective.
Measuring achievements against set objectives and targets and reviewing how achievements were attained.
Used to measure changes which occur during the course of program; allows one to monitor the progress of the program
Materials, goods, and actions necessary to carry out the primary or project activities
Input indicator
Provision of program or project goods and services to the target population
The primary project activities
Output indicator
Intermediate effects, often behavioral, resulting directly from project outputs necessary to achieve a desired impact
Outcome indicator
Changes in the condition of the target population which generally reflect the primary objectives of the project or program
Impact indicator
The immediate, tangible products or services generated as a result of an activity or project.
What is directly produced or delivered.
Output indicator
The short- to medium-term effects or changes that occur as a result of the outputs. These are usually changes in behavior, knowledge, or conditions.
What happens because of the output.
The long-term, broader, and often more profound changes that result from the outcomes. Impacts tend to focus on the overall improvement or transformation.
The ultimate change or difference made at a large scale.
Number of training sessions held.
Reports generated
Number of meals distributed in a food program.
Improved knowledge of nutrition after attending a training session.
Increased adoption of healthy eating habits among program participants.
Decrease in the number of malnourished children in a community.
A healthier, more food-secure population.
Reduction in the national rate of obesity or chronic diseases related to poor diet.
Sustainable improvements in community health and well-being.
Determine of planned activities were done and inputs used
Measures benefits of alternatives vis-a-vis cost
determines if outputs and short-term objectives were met
adequacy of performance, measures outcome of uses of output
Analyze success and failure factors