Chapter 6 Contraindications Flashcards
Most common conditions relived by massage
- Stress and tension are relieved
- Mental and physical fatigue
- Shoulder, Neck, Back strains/ irritated nerves
- Muscle and joint stiffness, sorness, overextention
- Digestion, assimilation, elimination
- Facial tone and appearence
- Headache and eyestrain
- Deep relaxation and ionsomnia
- Muscular spasms
- Obesity
- Pain and sprains in joints
- HIgh blood sugar
- Constrictions and adhesions
Absolute/systemically contraindictions
When massage is absolutely not important
Regional/partial contraindictions
Prohibit massage to only a local part of the body
Conditional contraindictions
adaptive measures in the presence of health concerns for which certain massage techniques might cause discomfort or have adverse effects
Examples of massage contrandictions
- abnormal body temperature
- acute infectious disease
- inflammation
- high blood pressure
- cancer
- fatigue
- intoxication
- skin problems
- pregnancy
- scoliosis
contrandictions: Abnormal body temperature
Fever indicates the body is trying to confine, narrow down, and eliminate the problem; systemically contraindicated and Massage should not be done
contrandictions: Acute infectious disease
Massage with a cold or flu can intensify the illness and expose others to the virus; systemically contraindicated and Massage should not be done
contrandictions: Tissue Inflammation
massaging inflammation can further irritate the area or intensify the inflammation; partial contradiction
Signs of immflimation
Swelling, Redness, Heat, Pain
Blood escapes from the damaged blood vessels making the area swollen and bluish in color
contrandictions: Bacterial inflammation
If the infection is disturbed it can spred or even enter the blood stream; systemically contraindicated and Massage should not be done
contrandictions: Osteoperosis
condition that leads to bone deterioration and at advanced stages can make bones brittle and easy to break; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Varicose veins
valves in the veins breakdown; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Phlebitis
Inflammation of the vein accompanied by swelling and pain; conditonal and client should consult primary
The inflamation of veins from blood clots
a piece of a clot that loosens and floats in the blood
contrandictions: Postsurgical
Increases possibility of thrombosis; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Aneurosa/Aneursym
A local distention or ballooning of an artery due to a weakening wall; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Hematoma
mass of blood trapped in some tissue or cavity of the body that is the result of internal bleeding, massaging in acute phase can reinjure the tissue; conditonal and client should consult primary
Bruise; result of a blow that breaks blood vessels and blood clots
contrandictions: Edema
Excessive fluid in the interstitial spaces; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Lymphedema
an accumulation of interstitial fluid, or swelling, in the soft tissues caused by inflamation, blockage, or removal of the lymph channels; conditonal and client should consult primary
Primary lymphedema
a congenital or genetic condition in which a portion of the lymphatic system does not completely develop
Secondary lymphedeama
Result of trama, surgery, radiation, infection, or some other event that damages lymph tissue or otherwise interferes with the lymph transport system
contrandictions: HIgh blood pressure
an elevated pressure of the blood against the artery walls, If physician recommends massage it should only be sedating; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Cancer
The uncontrolled growth and spred of abnormal cells in the body; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Fatigue
With a already overbrdended system, there is little to nourish those overworked and exhausted tissues, these massages should be sedative; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Intoxication
Can spread toxins and overstress the liver; systemically contraindicated
contrandictions: Psychosis
unstable mental state; conditonal and clients primary should be present
contrandictions: Medication
conditonal and client should consult primary
- Analegesics- Narotic analegesics inhibit sensory information from entering the nervous system
- (NSAID’s) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- Deep techniques may cause brusing
- Anticoagulants- blood thinner; results in brusing or excessive sorness
- Antidepressants- Massage can affect the dosage of the medication
- Antidiabetic- Thin and easily bruised skin that has poor circulation and slow healing
- Steroids- Loose integraty of the connective tissues of the skin, ligaments, joints, bones, and tendons
- also take precausons with cancer medications
contrandictions: pregnancy
low risk pregnancy is safe but trimesters do come into concern; conditonal and clients primary should be present/or client should consult primary
contrandictions: skin problems
*Broken vessles
*burns and blisters
*Hypersensitive skin
*Scaly spots
*Skin cancer
*Skin tags
*Stings and bites
contrandictions: Hernia
Protrusion of an organ or part of an organ; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Frail older people
Fragile bones, Sensitive/weak skin, Numerous medications; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Scoliosis
an abnormal lateral curve of the spine; conditonal and client should consult primary
contrandictions: Specific conditions and diseases
These should be taken with extra caustion and massage should be only performed with the presence of primary
*Severe asthma
*heart/lung/kidney diseases
Endangerment sites
These areas contain major nerves, blood vessels, bony prominences, lymph nodes, or vital organs with no protective structure and are vulnerable to manipulations
Inferior to the ear
under lobe of ear
Anterior triangle of the neck
area around throat
Posterior triangle of the neck
border of the trap
medical brachium
upper inner arm
Cubital area of the elbow
inner bend of elbow
Ulnar notch of the elbow
funny bone
Popliteal fossa
back part of knee
Uper number area
inferior to the ribs and lateral to the spine
under stomach area under ribs
Femoral triangle
inner thigh
a neurotransmitter that controls fine movement, emotional response, and the ability to experience pleasure and pain
a neurotransmitter that helps regulate nerve impulses and influences mood, behavior, appetite, blood pressure, temperature regulation, memory, and learning ability
“fight-orflight” hormone that prepares the body to respond to emergencies
epinephrine/adrenaline and norepinephrine/noradrenaline