Chapter 6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants Flashcards
What is the meaning of anatomy?
the study of internal structure of a plant
What is a tissue ?
a group of cells having similar origins and usually perform a common function
What are the two different types of cells present in a plant?
Mersitematic tissue
Permanent tissue
What are meristematic tissue?
the are the tissue that are found in specialized areas like growing tips of roots and shoots
What are the types of meristematic tissue?
Primary meristem:Apical Meristem
Intercalary meristem
Secondary meristem: lateral meristem
What are the axillary bud?
These are the left behind apical meristem that froms the branches
What is the intercalary tissue?
the meristem that occurs between the mature tissue is called intercalary tissue. They are responsible for regeneration of plants
Why are the intercalary and the apical meristem called the primary meristematic tissue ?
because they are responsible for the growth of young plants
What are the lateral meristem?
These are responsible for growing secondary growth.
Give some examples of secndary meristematic tissue
Fascicular Vascular cambium
Interfascicular cambuim
Cork Cambium
What are permanent tissues?
these are the tissues that have specialized to take a specific function and have lost the capacity to divide is called permanent tissue
Which meristem is responsible for the formation of the ground tissue, ground tissue and vascular tissue ?
specific regions of apical meristem
What are complex tissues?
permanent tissue
What are the types of permanent tissues?
simple : Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclarenchyma Complex: xylem phloem
What are the feature of the parenchyma tissues?
the cells of parenchyma cells are isodiametric, spherical, oval, polygonal etc
their cell walls are thin and are made of cellulose
What are the various functions performed by the parenchyma tissues?
What is the meaning of collenchyma?
these are the tissues that are present just under the epidermis of most dicot plants they are either found in patches or in homogenous layer
they provide mechanical support to the growing parts of the plant, they make the plant flexible
What are the features of collenchyma cells?
they are oval spherical etc
they have deposition of hemicellulose and pectin in the corners
They assimilate food when they contain chloroplast
Features of sclarenchyma cells?
they are long slender , dead, no chloroplast
they have numerous pits
the sclarenchyma may be either sclereids or tracheids
What are the types of sclarenchyma?
What do you understand by fibre( sclarenchyma) ?
They are thin walled , elongated and pointed cell wall
What do you understand by sclereids( sclarenchyma)?
they are spherical, oval , cylindrical, thickened dead cells, have a narrow cavity called the lumen.,
Give some examples of sclereids?
the wall of nuts, pulp of fruits, leaves of tea
What are teh two complex permanent tissues?
What are the types of xylem tissue cells?
xylem parenchyma
xylem fibres
Describe tracheid?
these are tube like cells with thick and lignified cell walls and tapering ends
they are dead and do not have a protoplasm
the inner layer has pores
Which is the main water transporting element in a flowering plant?
tracheids and vessels
Describe Vessel?
these are cylindrical tube like structure made up of many cells
lignified wall and a central cavity
Is vessels a key feature of angiosprems?
Describe xylem fibres
thickened walls and obligerated cell lumen
Describe xylem parenchyma?
these are living
thin cell wall
store food
Which tissue is responsible for the radial conduction of water?
Ray parenchymatous tissues
What are the two types of primary xylem?
What are primary xylem ?
these are the xylem that are formed first
What are secondary xylem?
these are the formed later after primary xylem
What is endarch?
the primary xylem that is found inside and the secondary xylem is found outside is called endarch
What is exarch?
primary - outside
Secondary - inside
What is phloem?
helps in conduction of food form leaves to the other part of the plants
What are the various cells in a phloem tissue in angiosperms ?
Seive tube
Companion cells
phloem fibres
Phloem parenchyma
Phloem tissue found in gymnosperms?
albuminous cells
seive cells
Describe the sieve tubes?
they are long , tube like structures
Does not have nucleus
their walls are perforated which forms a seive like structure ( seive plates)
The seive cells are controlled by the nucleus of the companion cells .
Describe companion cells?
these are specialized parechyma cells
they are connected with the sieve cells with the help of pit fields present between longitudinal walls
They control the pressure regulation in the sieve cells
How are companion cells connected to the sieve cells ?
with the help of pit walls
What is the function of the companion cells?
they control the pressure gradient in the sieve cells
Describe phloem parenchyma and their function ?
They store substances like resin and mucilage
they are cylindrical
their cell walls are composed of cellulose
they have pit through which plasmodesmatal connections exists between two adjacent cells
In which plants are phloem parenchyma usually absent in?
What are the Phloem fibres made of ?
sclerenchyma cells
Describe the phloem fibres ?
they are thin and have pointed ends
In which phloem are the phloem fibers absent in ?
Primary Phloem
What is a proto phloem
these are the phloem that forms first .
they do not have phloem fibres
What are meta phloem?
The phloem that forms later is called meta phloem
What are the different types of plant tissue system on the basis of the location of the tissue ?
Epidermal Tissue system
ground Tissue system
Vascular system
What the tissue that comprises of the epidermal tissue system?
Epidermal tissue
Epidermal Appendages : trichomes , hairs
What is epidermis?
This is the outermost layer of the primary plant body, it forms a continous layer.
Epidermis is usally single layered
Except the root all parts of the epidermis has a cuticle to prevent the loss of water
What are the cells that comprises of the stomatal appendage?
guard cell
subsidiary cells
What is the shape of the guard cell in a normal plant?
kidney shaped
What is the shape of a guard cell in a grass?
dumb bell shaped
What is the function of root hair?
they help in the absorption of water
Describe root hair ?
These are the structures that form after the elongation of the epidermal cells
Describe the function of trichomes?
They prevent water loss in transpiration
They may be branched or unbranched
they may be soft or stiff
They may even be secretory
What are trichomes?
the epidermal hair in the stem
What are ground tissue?
these are all the tissue except the epidermal and the vascular tissue
What are the cells present in the ground tissue system?
Where are the ground tissue present in?
cortex, pericycle,medullary rays,primary stems and roots - Parenchyma
What are mesophylls?
These are the thin walled chloroplasts containing cells in the leaves is called meophyll
What comprises of the vascular tissue?
phloem and xylem
What are open vascular bundles ?
In dicots ,they have a cambium that separates the phloem and the xylem thus they have the ability to form secondary and xylem and phloem tissue.
What are closed vascular bundles?
In monocots thay do not have a cambium in between them and are called the closed vascular bundles
Where are closed vascular bundles found?
Where are open vascular bundles found?
What is a radial arrangement ?
when the xylem and phloem are found alternate to each other in different radium
What are conjoint vascular bundles?
When the xylem and the phloem are found along the same axis
Where are the conjoint vascular bundles usually locaed?
stems and leaves
How are the xylem and phloem located in a conjoint vascular system?
phloem- outside
xylem - inside
What is the outermost layer of the roots known as?
What is the cortex?
This is made up of several layers of parenchyma cells
What is the innermost layer of the cortex in roots called?
What is a casparian stripe?
the tangential as well as teh radial walls of the endodermis deposits a water impermeable , waxy material suberin which forms the casparian stripe
What are the pericycle?
these are the few thick walled parenchymaotus cells that are found just under the endodermis
What are the functions of the pericycle?
it initiates the growth of vascular bundles and secondary growth takes palce in these cells
What is the size of the pith?
it is smaller than the moncots
What are the parenchymatous cells that are present between the xylem and the phloem called ?
conjunctive tissues
The average number of xylem and phloem rings in the roots ?
What is a stele?
all the tissues inside the endodermis is called the stele
What are the tissues that are included in a stele?
vascular bundles
What are the components of roots of a monocot?
it has epidermis, endodermis, pericylce, cortex, vascular bundles, and the pith
What are the differences between the anatomy of roots of monocots and dicots ?
- the monocots have more xylem-phloem pathces
- the pith of monocots are larger and are not fully developed
- Monocots do not under go secondary growth
What is the outer most protective part of the dicot stem?
What are the features of epidermis ?
it can have trichomes and stomata
What is cortex?
the cells between the epidermis and the pericycle.
What are the three layers of cortex?
Cortical Layer
What are the functions of hypodermis?
it consists of few layer of collenchyma cells
it provides mechanical suport
What are the constituent tissues of cortical zone or layer of a cortex in dicot roots?
parenchyma cells ( thin walled)
What is the fuction of the endodermis ?
these store stach
What is a starch sheath?
the endodermis of a dicot strem.
What are pericycle?
These are the semi lunar patched just above the phloem in a dicot stem.
What are medullary rays ?
These are the the parenchyma tissue presen tbetween vascular bundles.
What are the types of a vascular tissue in a dicto stem ?
endarch with protoxylem
what is pith?
the central region of the stem is called the pith .
What tissue is present in the hypodermis of a monocot?
How are the vascualr bundles arranged in a monocot?
What are the properties of vascular bundles of a monocot?
conjoint and closed
phloem parenchyma is absent
Is phloem parenchyma present in monocot?
What are the main parts of a leaf?
vascular system
What are the two types of epidermis present in the leaves of a dicot plant?
Which has more chloroplast stomata adaxial or abaxial epidermis?
What are mesophyll?
the parenchyma tissue between the epidermis is called the mesophyll , they have chloroplast and carry out photosynthesis
What are the two types of parenchyma in hte mesophyll of dicots?
What are the features of spongy mesophyll ?
they have large air spaces
Where are the vascular tissue present in the leaves of a dicot plant ?
in the veins and the mid ribs
Which tissue surround the vascular tissues in the leaves of a dicot?
bundle sheath cells
What is the other name of monocot leave?
iso bilateral leave
Differences between monocot an dicot leaves?
the stomata are present between on both the side of epidermis in a monocot
the mesophyll is not diferenctiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma
What are bulliform cells?
These are the modified adaxail epidermal tissue on the veins that control the curling of the leaves of a grass
What type of venation is present in a monocot?
parallel venation
Name the tissues involved in secondary growth in dicots ?
vascular meristem and cork cambium
What is intrafascicular cambium?
the cells of cambium present between primary xylem and phloem is called intrafascicular cambium
Which cells are responsible for completing the complete ring of interfascicular cambium?
medullary rays
What is rsponsible for the produciton of meta xylem and meta phloem?
cambial ring
why is the amount of secondary xylem more than secondary phloem?
Because the cambial ring is more active in the inside
What is medullary rays ?
sometimes the cambium form a narrow radial band f parenchyma tissue in the radial direction called the meduallry rays .
What is the meaning of early wood or spring wood?
during the spring season the wood preoduces a large number of xylary tissue having wider cavities , thus the wood formed during this season is called the spring wood or the early wood
What is the mEaning of autmn wood or the late wood?
during the winter season thee xylems elements have narrow vessels and this woodis denser and is called the autmn wood.
What is an annual ring ?
the alternate concentric rings in a tree conprising of the autmn wood and the early wood is called the annual ring
Why is the greater part of the xylem dark brown color >
Because of the deposition of resins, oils , gums and other substance.
What is present in the innermost layers of the xylem?
essential oils
What is heart wood?
it is the region of dead element of xylem that make the tree hard, durable and resistant to the attack of insects , the walls are highly lignified.
What is the sapwood?
the peripheral region of the secondary xylem is called the spawood it helps in the conduction of water and minerals from roots to plants
When does the cork cambium form?
when the epidermis gets broken or needs to be replaced
What are the outer and the inner side of the cork called?
cork phellem
pelloderm/ secondary cortex
What is the outer side of cork called ?
cork phellem
What is the inner side of the cork called ?
What is periderm?
the phellogen, phellem and the phelooderm are colectively known as the periderm.
What are the cells of secondary cortex made up of (tissues) ?
What do you mean by bark ?
All the tissues outside the vascular plants , it includes secondary phloem
What are lenticels ?
at osme regions the parenchymatous cells on the outside are cut off by cork cells, these parenchyma cells rupture and and formed a lens shaped opening called lenticel.
What is the function of lenticels?
They help in the exchange of gases in the internal tissues of the stem
What is the difference between protoxylem and metaxylem?
the metaxylem has wider vessels and tracheids
What is the difference between protophloem and meta phloem?
the meta phloem has wider seive tubes