Chapter 2 : Biological Classification Flashcards
How did aristotle classifiy animals and plants?
herbs , shrubs , trees
rbc prenset and rbc absent
Who discovered the two kingdom classification?
Who and when was teh five kingdom classification proposed? What were the five kingdoms? What were the criterions used?
1969 by RH Whittaker
monera , protista, fungi , plantae, animalia
cell structure, nutrition , body organization, reproduction and PHLYOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION
What was the new kingdom in the six kingdom classification?
What are the four types of bacteria on the basis of shape?
bacillus , coccus , spirilla and vibrio
What are the types of arachae bacteira?
halophiles , acido philes , methanogens
What is the charecteristic feature of eubacteira?
a cell wall and flagella if motile
What is the pigment present in cyanobacteira?
chl a
Name some cynobacteria that can fix nitrogen?
nostoc , anabaena
What is the most abundant type of bacteira?
How does a bacteria reproduce?
binary fission
when unfavourable : spore
Which is the only bacteria that doesn’t have a cell wall?
What is the smallest living organism?
Is mycoplasma aerobic or anaerobic?
In which kingdom are the boundaries are not defined properly?
What are the charecters of chyrosophyte ? types habitat autotroph / heteotroph cell wall haploid / diploid how food stored pigments
diatoms , desmids ( golden algae) in marine environment and fresh water photosynthetic cellulose with silica (soap box) 2n leucosin , oil a,c , fucoxnathin
Who are the cheif producers of the sea?
What are the charecters of dinoflagellates?
1) habitat
2) cell wall
3) flagella
4) pigmnets
5) stored food
6) genetic material
1) mostly marine
2) cellulose plates
3) two flagella , longi , transverse
4) a, c, dinoxanthin , didinoxanthin
5) starch
6) meskaryote ( no histone , but nuclear membrane)
Which organism are called the golden algae?
Who are responsible for red tides ?
What are hte dinoflagellates that cause bioluminesces?
noctillucca and gonyaulax
What are the cahrecters of euglenoids?
1) cell wal
2) flagella
3) pigment s
4) stored food
1) no cell wall have pelllice ( protien )
2) 2 flagella , funcitonal and non funcitonal
3) a , b , zeoxanthiphyll
4) paramylum and fats
WHo are the saprotrohic protists?
slime moulds
When do slime moulds form plasmodium and what happens when the conditions changed?
favourable conditions : plasmodium
unfavourable : it forms fruiting bodies which has sopres on tips
Do the sopres of slime moulds have cell wall?
yes they have true cell wall which is very resistant
Who are the primitive relatives of animals?
What are the types of protozaons? Give their examples?
1) amoeboid :amoeba , entamoeba
2) flagellated : trypanosoma
3) cilliated : paramoecium
4) sporozoans : plasmodium (malaria)
What is the use of yeast?
bread and beer
Who are known as the cosmopolitan ?
How deos asexual reproduction take place in fungi/
conidia, sporangiospores and zoospores
How deoes sexual reproduction take place in fungi?
oospores , ascospores and basidiospores
In which fungi do we see a dikaryotic stage in the sexual reproduction?
ascomycetes and basidiomycetes
where does the formation of spores take place ?
in the fruiting bodies
What is the basis of classiication of the fungi kingdom?
the morphology of mycelium
mode of spore formation
fruiting bodies
What are the charecters of phycomycetes?
1) habitat
2) myclium
3) asexual reproduction
4) the spore formation is endogenous or exogenous?
5) types of gametes in sexual reproduction ?
1) decaying wood , moist and damp areas
2) aseptate and coenocytic
3) by oospore and zygospore
4) the sexual spores is formed endogenous
5) isogamous , oogamous , anisogamous
Give some examples of phycomycetes?
rhizopus and mucor
albugo ( late blight in potato / famine in ireland )
What are the cahracters of ascomycetes?
1) habitata
2) myclium
3) asexual spores producing bodies
4) how are sexual spores produced
1) saprophytic, parasitic and coprophagic
2) branched and septate
3) conidia
4) ascospores
Give some examples of ascospores?
1) penicillium
2) aspergilus
3) claviceps : LSD , ergot’s disease
4) neurospora
4) morel and truffles (edible )
What are the cahracters of basidiomycetes ?
1) habitata
2) myclium
3) asexual spores producing bodies
4) how are sexual spores produced
1) soil, logs , tree
2) branched and septate
3) asexual sopres are not found but begetative by fragmnetation
4) somatogamy and spermatization which results in basidiospores
What are the fruiting bodies of basiomycetes called?
where are the basidia prenset?
in the basidiocarp
What are some of hte common memrbers of hte basidiomycetes?
ustilago : smut
pucinnia : rust
agaricus ( mushroom)
How does asexual reproduction take placei n deuteromycetes?
by conidia
Give some examples of deuteromycetes?
alternaria : early blight of potato
collectrichum : red rot of sugarcane
trichoderma : ringworm
Give some examples of insectevorous plants?
venus fly trap and bladder wort
Give some examples of parasitic plants?
how are food stored in animals?
glycogen and fats
What is hte mode of nutrition in animals?
does animalia show definite growth pattern?
What was the history of hte viru s?
Dmitri Ivanowsky : 1892 – Tobacco Mosiac Virus
they passed through bacteria proof filter
MW Beijernek :infected plant to healthy plant
Contagium vivum fluidum (infectious fluid)
WM Stanley : ctystallized them
What are some of the animal virus disease?
mumps , small pox , herpes , influenza
What are some of the plant virus?
mosiac formation , leaf rolling , curling , yellowing and vein clearing , dwarfing and shunted growth
Who discovered viroids? What disease does it cause? What is made up of ?
TO Deiner : 1971
potato spindle tuber disease
free RNA ( of low molecular weight )
What is prion and what some of its disease?
they are misfolded protien
mad cow disease or BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
and Cr-Jacob disease
What are the two components of lichen and what are their funcitons?
phycobiont : prepare food
mycobiont: shelter , absorb nutrient , absorb nutrient and water
Why are lichen good pollution indicators?
because they dont grow in polluted areas