Chapter 5: Morphology of Flowering Plants Flashcards
What are the characteristics of angiosperm
root , stem , leaves , flower and fruits
What is the root and the shoot system?
the part of the plant above the ground is the shoot system
the part of the plant below the ground is the root system
What leads to teh formation of primary root in dicot plant?
elongation of radicle leads to the formation of primary root
What are the components of the tap root system? Where do we fnd tap root system?
primary root , secondary root ,tertiary root
Where does the fibrous root start from give some examples?
from the base of the stem
example wheat plant
Where do we find adventitious root?
from the nodes
examples : monstera, banyan tree
What are hte main funcitons of the root syste?
absorption of mineral and water from soils
providing anchorage to the platn part
storing reserve plant material
synthesis of plant growth regulators
What are the various regions in the root of a plant?
root cap : thimble like structure
region of meristamatic activity
region of elongation
region of maturation (root hair prensent here)
Where are the root hairs present? What is their function?
in the region of maturation from some epidermal cells
absorption of water and mineral
Give some examples where the tap root modifies to store food?
tap root of radish , turnip , carrot
Give some examples where the adventitious root stores food ?
sweet potato
Where are prop root present ?
the prop roots are present in banyan tree
What is the modification of root in sugarcane and maize?
stilt root
Where are pneumatophore prenset and where are found?
pneumatophores are present in RHIZOPHORA in the swampy areas they help in respiration
Where does the stem develop from ?
from teh plumule of the embryo of the germinating seed
What is the region in the stem from where the leaves come up from called?
they are called nodes
What are types of buds in stem?
axillary and terminal buds
What are the main funcitons of stem?
spreading branches leaves , flowers and fruits conduct water , minreral and photosynthates storage of food support vegetative propagation
Give some exmaples of underground stem that are modified to store food?
potato , ginger , turmeric , zaminkhand , colocasia
Where do the stem tenrils derive from ? What is their function and where are they found?
stem tendrils : axillary bud
they are slenderand spirally coil and helps the plant to climb
What are thorns and where ar ethey found?
thorns : (modified axillary bud)
Where flattened stems found what is their funciton?
they have chlorophyll for photosynthesis
Where the cylindrical modigication of stem found and what is their funciton?
they have chlorophyll for photopynthesis
What is the modificaiton of stem in jasmine and mint?
they have a slender lateral branch that arises from the base of the main axis and after growing for some times they arch back into the ground
What is the stem modification in stem of pistia and eichornia?
lateral branch with short internodes and each nodes bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of root sis found in aquatic plant like pistia and Eichornia
What is the modificaiton of root in banana and where else is ti foud?
teh lateral branches originate from the basal and undergroun portion of the main stem , growing horizontally beneath the surface and then come out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoot
Where does the leaf originate from ?
the node and bears buds in its axil
What does the axillary bud later develop into?
it later develops into branch
Where does the shot originate from (tissue) and how are the leaves arranged in it ?
originate : stem apical meristem
leaves are arranged in acropetal order
What are the three main parts of a leaf?
leaf base
What are stipules
they are the two lateral small leaf like appendages that originates from the leaf base
What is the leaf base in a monocot?
the leaf base exapnds in a sheath covering the stem partially or completely
What is the type of leaf base in legumes?
they have pulvinous leaf base with swollen leaf base and helps the leaf to flutter and cool
What are the types of venation and where are they found?
types of venation : reticulate , parallel
reticulate : dicot
parallel : monocot
What are the types of leaves?
simple leaves
compound leaves
Are buds prenset in the base of leaflets?
a bud is present in the axil of petiole in both simple and compound leaves but not in the axil of leaflets of the compound leaf
What is the central midrib of the leaf where the leaflets attached called?
What are the two tyeps of compound leaves?
pinnate : neem
palmate : silk cotton
What are the differnet types of phyllotaxy? And where are they found?
alternate: china rose, mustard =, sun flower
opposite: calotropis, guava
whorled : alstonia
Where are the folowing modification of the leaves presnt? tendrils spines store food pitcher
tendrils: climbing in peas
spines : cactus
store food : onion , garlic
pitcher : pitcher plant
What is the modification of leaf in acacia?
acacia has a expanded petiole and is green and caries out photosynthesis
What is flower ? What is the tissue responsible?
is a modified stem when teh internodes do not expand and they get condensed
floral meristem is developed from apicla meristem
What produces the various floral appendages?
the apex [produces floral appendages laterally at succesice nodes into a flower instead of leaf
What are the two types of influroscence?
racemose ( acropetal)
cymose (basipetal)
What are the four whorls presnet in the flowers and where are they prenset?
ACCOSSORY calyx , corolla
REPRODUCTIVE andoecium and gynoecium
teh are present in hte stalk, pedicel, thalamus , receptacles
What is the thalamus?
the base of hte flower formed by thelack of elongation of the internodes
What is the thalamus?
the base of hte flower formed by the lack of elongation of the internodes
What is perianth and where are they found?
perianth : in some flowers the corolla and calyx are not distinct and are termed as perianth
it is found in lily
Give some examples of actinomorphic , zygomorphic and assymetrical flowers?
actinomorphic flower: (radial symmetry) mustard , datura,chilli (CMD)
zygomatic ( divided by vertical plane): pea ,gulmohar, bean , cassia (PG BC )
symmetriccal : canna
What is the meaing of tetramerous , trimerous and pentamerous?
when the floral apendages ( CARPELS, PETALS and STAMENS) are present in teh mutiple of 3,4 or 5
What is bract?
they are the reduced leaf foudn inte h base of a pedicel
types of flowers on the basis of the position fo their ovary?
HYPOGYNOUS : mustard, china rose , brinjal
EPIGYNOUS: guava, cucumber
PERIGYNOUS : plum ,rose , peach
What are the types of calyx?
What are the types of corolla?
What are the types of aestivation ? Give some exampels?
valvate : calotropis
twisted: china rose, lady’s finger, cotton
imbricate: cassia , gulmuhor
vexillary : pean , bean flowers
What are the petals in vexillary aestivation?
two lateral petals (keel)
What is the male reproductive organ of a androecium? What is a sterile male reproductive organ called?
stamen :filemant and anther
What is inside an anther?
two bilobed chamber called the pollen sacs
Where are the pollen grains produced in an anther?
the pollen sacs
What is a sterile stamen called?
What is the meaning of epipetalous and where is it found?
petal attached to stamen
Epiphyllous what, where
Polyandrous , monoandrous?
polyandrous : the stamens of the flower remain free and or united in varying degree
monoandrous: they may be united into one bundle or united to varying degree
give exampels of monoadelphous
mono : china rose
diadelphous : pea
polyadelhous : citrus
parts of ocary?
Where (ovule attached to the ovary?
Give examples of
apocarpous :
syncarpus :
apocarpus :lotus , rose
syncarpus : mustard , tomato
examples of placentation :
1) marginal
2) axile
3) parietal
4) basal
5) central
6) free central
1) pea
2) china rose , tomato , lemon
3) mustard , argemone
4) sunflower , marigold
6) dianthus , primrose
What : parthenocarpis fruit?
fruit formed before fertilization
What are the types of pericarp?
epicarp , mesocarp, endocarp
which fruits are called drupe? why?
fruits of coconut , mango
What is the seed composed of?
seed coat
Give examples of endospermic and non endospermic seed (dicot)
ednsospermic seed : castor
non endospermic seed : bean , gram , pea
Is monocot endospermic or non endospermic seed ? Give an example of non endospermic monocot ?
monocots are endospermic seed