Chapter 21: Neural Control and coordination Flashcards
What is the meaning of coordination?
the process through which two or more organ interact with each other and complement each others functions is known as coordination
What is the meaning of synaptic cleft?
the space between two synaptic knob is called synaptic cleft \
What is the layer that protects the brain called?
cranial meninges
What are hte layers of meninges?
pia mater
What are the major parts of the brian?
fore brain
mid brain
hind brain
What are the parts of the fore brain?
What connects the right and the left hemisphere of hte cerebrum?
corpus callosum
What is the color of the cerebral crtex?
grey matter
Why makes the color of the gray matter grey?
because of concentrated neuron bodies
What are the three regions in hte motor cortex?
motor areas.
sensory areas
association area
What makes the color of the white matter white?
myelin sheath
What is the funciton of the thalamus?
major coordination center of sensory and motor signalling
What is the function of hypothalamus 3 ?
body temperature
urge for drinking and aeting
it also contains several neurosecretory cells
What are hte components of the mid brain?
cerebral aqueduct
corpora quadrigemina
What are the components of the hind brain?
What is the function of pons?
fibres that connects the various parts of the brain
What is the function of crebullum?
creates more surface area for more neurons
What is the function of medullla?
centers that connects the respiration
cardiovascular reflexes
gastric secretions
What are the three major ragions that makes up the brain stem ?
mid brain
medulla oblongata
What is reflex action?
the action done without thinking
What are the two parts of the human neural system?
What are the parts of the CNS?
brain and spinal chord
What are the two types of nerve fibres of the PNS?
efferent fibres
afferent fibres
What are the two parts of teh PNS?
somatic neural system
autonomic neural system
What do you understand by visceral nervous sytem ?
the part of PNS that comprises the whole network of nerve fibres , ganglia and plexuses
What are the parts of a neuron?
cell body
What is the function of dendrite ?
it receives the signals from the axon of the teh first neuron
What is multi polar neuron ?
with one axon and more than one dentrite
What is the meaning unipolar neuron ?
they have only one axon
What is the meaning of bipolar neuron ?
with one axon and one dendron
Which cells forms the myelim sheath in the PNS?
shwann cells
What is node of ranvier ?
the gap between two adjacent mylein sheath is called node of ranvier
What is a myelinated neuron ?
when the shwann cells forms a mylein sheath around the neuron is called mylinated neuron
When is a neurn non myelinated ?
when the shwann cells do not form a myelien sheath around a neuron is called neuron
Where is mylinated fibres usually found?
spinal and cranial nerves
Where is non myelinated nervous fibers found?
autonomous and somatic neurons
What is the function of olfactory receptor?
they sense smell
Which epitehlium is responsible for the formation of the Olfactory receptor?
olfactory epithelium
What is the funciton of gustatory receptor?
they sense taste
What is the socket that contains the eyeball called?
What is the inner layer of the eye ball called?
What are the three layers of the photoreceptor cells>
ganglion cells
What are the two types of photoreceptor cells?
What is the funciton of rods?
it is responsible for twilight vision
What is the function of cons?
they help to sense colors
What is the pigment present in the rods ?
Which vitamin is the precursor of rhodopsin ?
vitamin A
What are the three types of cons?
What is blind spot?
the places where photoreceptor is absent is called blind spot
What is the yellow pigement found in the prosterior part of the blind sopt?
macula lutea
What is the central pit found in the prosterior parts of the blind spot called?
What is teh space between the cornea and the lens called?
aqueous chamber
What is the fluid present in the space between the cornea and the lens called?
aqueous humour
What is the fluid present in the part between the retina and the lens called?
vitreous humour
What are the photosensetive pigments?
opsin(protein ) and retinal( an aldehyde of vit A)
Where is the optic signals interpreted in the brain?
visual cortex
here we start the MEDI FLIX PART
What is the meaning of coordination?
What porvides chemical coordination to the body?
What are the two parts of the neural system?
What are the two parts of the CNS ?
spinal chord
What are the two types of nerves present in PNS?
somatic and autonomic
What are the types of nerves in Autonomic nervous system?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
What are the two types of the nervous fibre on the basis of the direction in which they transmit signal?
afferent and efferent
What are the major parts of the neuron ?
What are the granular cell organeele present in the cyton of the neuron ?
nissl’s granules
What are nissl’s granules?
these are the small granular oganelle present in the cyton and dendrite
Where are Nissl’s granules found?
they are present in the cyton and dendrites
What is synaptic knob?
it is the part of the neuron present in hte end of the neuron
What does the synaptic knob contain?
it contains neurotransmitters
What are the different types in which the neuron are divided on hte basis of the number of axon and cyton/
uni polar
Where are multipolar neurons found?
they are present in the cerebral cortex
Where are unipolar neurons found?
they are ussually found in the embryonic stage
Where are bipolar neurons present ?
retina of eye
What forms the myelinated sheath in neurons of the brain ?
What forms the myelin sheath in the neurons of the PNS?
schwann cells
Where are mylelinated neurons present?
cranial and spinal nerves
Where are non myelinated neurons present?
autonomous and somatic nervers
What is the condition of the neuron when it is depolarised?
the K ions are permeable but
not the -ve proteins and Na + ions
What is the function of K,Na ATPase ?
it pumps 3Na outside and 2K inside
What happens when a stimulus reaches the membrane?
it membrane becomes permeable to the Na ions
What is the meaning resting potentail?
the electrical potentail across a resting membrane
What happens to the neural membrane when a stimuli reaches the membrane ?
the membrane becomes permeable to Na ions and this leads the Na to stream inside and this makes the outside negative charged and inside positive charge
What is the funciton of the mylinated sheath?
it increase the speed at which the nervous stimuli is transmitted
What is synapse
when two ends arevery close to each other they may be attached or may have a gap in between
What are hte two types of synapses?
What is synaptic cleft?
the space in between two post synaptic membrane and pre synaptic membrane
Which synapse is transmission faster?
electrical synapse
Where are neuro transmitter present in the neuron?
in the axon terminal
When is the neuron transmitter released?
when the stimuli reaches the axon terminal
Where does the neurotranmitters bind to ?
receptor s
What are the two tyeps of potentail developed from hte neuro transmitters?
inhibitory or
What are the parts of the brain ?
fore brain
mid brain
hind brain
Which is the command and control system of the body ?
What are the functions of the brain? 6
voluntary movement balance of ht ebody functioning of the vital organs ( heart, kidney, lungs) thermoregulation hunger and thirst circadian rythmn endocrine and gladns human behaviour processing of( vision, memory, intelligence,emotions,thougts )
What protecets the brain?
cranial meninges
What are the three layers of the cranial meninges?
Where is the sub arachnoid space present?
below the arachnoid and
above the piamater
between piamater and arachnoid
Where is the CSF present?
in hte sub arachnoid space
What are the three parts in which the brain is divided?
mid brain
hind brain
What are the parts of the brain ?
cerebral hemisphere
Which layer lines the gyri in the brain ?
What is corpus callosum?
it is the a tract of nerve fibre that connects the left adn right brain.
What is cerebral cortex?
it covers the ceribral hemisphere
Which part of the brain covers the cranial hemisphere?
the cerebral cortex
Which part of the brain contains the folds?
cerebral cortex
What part of the brain is called the grey matter ?
cerebral cortex
Which part of the neuron is present in the cerebral cortex?
the cell body
What gives the cerebral cortex the prominent grey color?
the neuron cell body
What are the different types of regions present in the cerebral cortex?
association areas
What is the function of the association areas ?
these are responsible for the complex function like
intersensory association, memory and communication
Which part of the neuron is present in the cerebral hemishpere?
the axon
What type of axon is present in the cerebral hemispherer?
mylinated sheath
What gives the cerebral hemispere the distinct white appearance?
the myelinated sheath
What is the function of the thalamus?
it is a major sensory and coordination center
Where is the hypothalamus present?
at the base of the thalamus
What are functions of the hypothalamus?
body temperature
urge for eating
several neurosecretory neuron( hypothalmic hormones)
What are the structures present in the inner most part of the cerebral hemishpere?
limbic system
What are the parts of hte limbic system?
amygdala , hippocampus
What are the functions of the limbic system?
they are responsible for excitement, pleasure , rage and sexual behaviour and motivation
What are the parts of the hind brain?
pons Cerebullum mdeulla
What is the function of pons?
they interconnect the various regions fo the brain
What is the function of the cerebellum ?
it increases the surface area for many more neuron
it controls the balance
What is the funciton of medulla ?
it controls respiration , cardio vasclar reflexes, gastric secretion
What are the three major regions that makes up the brain stem?
mid brain
medulla oblongata
What is the funciton of the brain stem?
it connects the brain to the spinal cord
What is the meaning of reflex action ?
hte movement that occurs whithout any thought or without the involvement of the CNS is called reflex action
What are the componenets of the reflex action ?
efferet neuron
From where does the reflex action get t know what to do?
form the dorsal nerve root
To which nerve is the nose connected?
cranial nerve 1
To what is the olfactory nerve connect to ?
to the olfactory bulb
To which part does the olfactory bulb belong to ?
hte olfactory bulb is the extension of the limbic bulb
To which cranial ner ve is the tongue attached to?
to the 12 th cranial nerve
What receptor does the taste buds contain?
gustatory receptors
What are socket where the eye is present called?
the orbit
What are the three layers of the eye?
What type of tissue is sclera?
dense connective tissue
What is the anterior part of the sclera called?
What does the coroid contain?
many blood vessel
What is the color of the choroid?
it is blue in color becuase of the presence of many blood vessel
What fraciton of the eye ball is made up of choroid?
2/3 rd
What is the part of the choroid that helps in holding the lens of the eye?
the cilliary body
What connects the lens to the ciliary body?
To which part of the eye is the iris?
it the modified part of the ciliary body
What regulates the dimeter of the pupil?
the muscle fibres of the iris
What are the three inner layes of the retina?
glial neurons
bipolar neurons
What are the types of photopigments?
rods and cons
Which pigment is responsible for photopic vision ?
Which pigment is responsible for sctopic vision?
Which preotein does the rods contain ?
Rhodopsin is the derivative of which vitamin ?
vitamin A
What are the three types of cons?
When is the white light perceived by hte cons?
when equal amounts of red green and blue is received by the cons
Where is the blind spot present?
it is present at a point medial of the prosterior pole of the eye
What is the function of the blind spot?
it acts as a passage for the nerve fibres and blood vessel
Where is macula lutea present?
it is present lateral to the blind spot
What is the color of the macula lutea?
it is yellowing in color
What is the central pit of the macula lutea called?
Where is the visual activity greatest?
Why is fovea the place with the highest resolution ?
because of high concentration of rods and cons
Why is fovea the place with the highest visual activity?
because of the high concentration of rods and cons
Describe the full mechanism of vision?
opsin + retinal
the dissociation of retinal from opsin causes the membrane to change the permeability
this results in the potential difference in photorecptor cells
this siganl produces action potential in the photoreceptor
this signal is transmited to the optical neve through the bipolar neuron
then the signal is transmitted to the visual cortex of the brain
where this siganl is interpreted
What are the components of hte photopigments?
opsin + retinal
What is retinal ?
an aldehyde of vitamin A
What is the meaning of resting poteintial?
the electrical potentail difference across the resting potential
What is polarised state meanig?
the resting membrane
What is the meaning of action potential ?
the polarity change across the membrane due to the movement of ions is called action potential
When is the membrane is said to be called depolarized?
the positive charge move inside
What is the meaning of repolarization ?
the restoring of the resting potential form the depolarized state is called repolarization
What is the meaning of saltatory conduction?
the action potential jumping from node to node
What are the two main neurotransmitter in vertabrates?
Acetylcholine(Ach) and Norepinephrine
Which ions cause the the movement of synapse vescicles to the surface of the knob?
calcium ions
How does the neutrotransmitter create depolarization?
they change the membrane potential
What is the weight of the brain ?
1220-1400 gms
What are the parts of the human brain ?
forebrain (prosencephalon) mid brain (mesencephalon) hind brain(rhombencephalon)
What are the parts of the fore brain ?
olfactory lobes
What forms the major part of human brian ?
What is the outer portion of the cerebrum called?
cerebral cortex
What is the function part of the frontal part of the cerebrum?
monitors complex thoughts, actions and ideas that controls intellectual ability
What is the function parietal lobe of the cerebrum?
takes the sensory perceptions, organizes and communicates it to the rest of the brain
What is the function of the temporal lobe of the cerebur?
decodes and interprets sound, smell , memory and emotions
What is the function of occiptal lobe?
it interprets the visual information, shape and color
What are the parts of hte diencephalon?
What is the function of thalamus?
sensory and motor signalling
What are the functions hypothalamus?
body temperatures
urge for eating and drinking
growth and sexual behaviour
neuro endocrine role
Where is the mid brain located?
between the thalamus/hypothalamus and pons
What are the parts of the mid brain ?
dorsal parts of the mid brain: corpora quadrigemina
What is teh function of corpora quardigemina?
visual and auditory reflex
Which part of the brain is equivalent to the optic lobes of the lower animals?
corpora quadrigemina
What are the parts of the hind brain ?
What is the function of pons?
it interconnects the various parts of the brain
Give tow parts of the limbic system?
What is the funciton of the limbic system?
it controls the excitement and pleaure fear and moticvation and the sexual excitement too
What is the funciton fo cerebullum?
rapid muscular response and typing and also talking
What are the functions of medulla oblongata?
has the control centers for respiration, cardiovascular reflex and gastric secretion
What connects the brain to the spine ?
the brain stem
What are the parts of the brain stem?
What is the length of the spinal cord?
43-45 cm
Till which spine does the spinal cord extend to ?
form the medulla oblongata to the 2nd lumber vertebra
What is the arrangement of hte white and the grey matter in teh spine?
grey matter in
white matter out
What is present below the second lumber vertebra?
fine spinal nerve called : cauda equina
What is the end of the spinal cord called ?
conus medullaris
What is filum terminale ?
the thin filaments that arises after the spnal cord ends
What is the function filum terminale?
it enchors the spinal cord to the vertebral column
What are the types of relfex ?
What is the meaning of unconditional reflex?
these relex develops in born
What is the meaning of conditional reflex?
this are developed due to past experience and training and learning
What are the two components of PNS?
spinal nerve and cranial nerve
How many cranial nerves are present?
How many spinal nerves are present?
What are the parts of the spinal nerves?
8 pair - cervical nerve 12 pair - thoraicic nerve 5 pair - lumbar nerves 5 pair - sacral nerves 1 pair - coccygeal nerve
What is the receptor present in the nose called?
olfactory receptor
What are the three types of cells in the olfactory receptor?
basal cells
What is the receptor present in tongue called?
gustatory receptor
What are the things presetn in the cornea?
no blood vessel
but is rich in nerve
What is the function of conjunctiva?
protects the cornea and also secretes oil and mucus that moistens and lubricates the eye
Which part of the eye nourishes the retina?
Which part in the eye has the highest resolutiojn?
fovea centralis
Which part of the retina contains only rods?