Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption Flashcards
Is villi present in the stomach?
no villi is absent in the stomach
How is the tongue attached to the floor of the oral cavity? And where are the taste buds attaced to ?
the taste bud is attached to the papillae
What are the characteristics of the human teeth?
thecodont, diphyodont, heterodont
What are the regions of the endoderm?
from the soft palate to the rectum
What are the various teeth in the human body?
insccor , canine, pre-molar, molar
To what is the tongue attached to ?
frenulum , hyoid bone
What is the opening of pharynx and oesophagus called?
gullet and glottis
What regulates teh opening of oesophagus into the stomach?
gastro-oesophageal spinchter
What portion of the stomach does the oesophagus open into ?
carida region
What are the various regions of teh stomach?
cardiac, fundic , body , and pyloric
What are the various parts of the small intestine?
duodenum , jejunum , ileum
What guards the opening of stomach into the duodenum?
pyloric spinchter
What are the parts of the large intesetine?
caeum , colon , rectum
Where are the mircoorganims present in te small intestine?
What are the various parts of the colon?
ascending , transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon
Where are the four layers of the alimentary canal present?
form the oesophagus to the rectum
What are various layers of the alimentary canal?
serosa, muscularis, sub mucosa and mucosa
What is the serosa made up of ?
mesothelium ( epithelium of the visceral organs)
What are the various layers of the muscularis layer and which is present in the inner and outer layer?
circular epithelium and longitudinal epithelium
circular inner and longitudinal is the outer
Where are the oblique muscle present ?
What are the things present in the submucosa layer?
nerve fibres , blood vessel and lymph
What is the glands present in the sub mucosa of the duodenum?
brunners gland
Which layer forms the rugae of the stomach?
the mucosal layer
Are villi present in the stomach?
What is mesothelium?
it is the lining of the visceral organs
What is presnet in the villi ?
blood vessel, and lymph vessel called lacteal
What is the function of goblet cells ?
they secrete hte mucosa in hte stomach
What are the three pairs of salivary glands?
maxillary ( sub madibular)
sub lingual
What is the largest gland and what is its weight>
liver and its weight is 1.2 to 1.5 kg
What are structural and functional units of the liver?
hapatic lobules
How are the hepatic cells arranged in the hepatic lobules?
it the form of cords
What is the duct of gall baldder called?
cystic duct
What is the duct of liver called?
hepatic duct
What guards the hepatio pancraetic duct?
spinchter of oddi
What are the endocrine and the exocrine parts of the pacrease?
exocrine ( acinni) : they secrete the bicarbonatres
endocrine ( islets of langerhans) hormone, insulin and glucagon, stomatotatin
What is the function of somatostatin?
it inhibits the secretion of other hormones made by the pancrease
What is the meaning of degluttion?
swallowing of food is called degluttion
What is peristalsis?
is the circular waves of contraction
What are the things present in the salivarty juice?
Na+ , K+ HCO3- ,etc IgA Urea and uric acid lysozyme and thiocynate salicary amylase
What percentage of stach is hydrolyzed in the mouth?
What are the three types of cells in the gastric glands?
mucus neck cells
peptic cells or the cheif cells or zymogenetic cells parietal cells ( HCl and CIF )
What secreted CIF and what is its function?
it is secreted by the parietal cells
it is essential for the absorption of vit B12
What is the function of pepsin?
it converts protein into :
protease, peptones
What are teh things present that helps in protecting the cells of the stomach?
mucus and the bicarbonates present in the gastric juce
(NCERT line) pg no 262
What are the things present in the gastri cjuice?
HCl, pepsin , rennin , gastric lipase
What are the active and the inactive enzymes secreted by the pacrease?
inactive :
trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen , procarbozypeptidase
active form:
amylase, lipase , nuclease(DNA,RNAase)
What activates the enzyme trypsinogen?
What secretes the entrokinease?
intestinal mucosa
What are the components of the bile ?
bile pigment : billirubin , billiverdin
bile salt: bicarbonates, carbonates, tauracholate and glycholate
cholesterol and phospholipid
What activates teh lipases?
What secreted the mucus of the small intestine?
goblet cells
What helps in the secretion of succus entericus?
goblet cells and brush border cells of the mucosa of small intestine
What are various enzymes of the small intestine?
disaccharidase (maltase) , dipeptidase, lipase m nucleosidase,
What protects the intesetinal mucosa?
mucus and pancreatic bicarbonates
What is the function of brunners glands?
it is responsible for making alkaline medium in the small intestine
Where is DNA , RNA ase secreted?
pancreatic juice
What is the function of the large intestine?
1) absorption of water , minerla and some drugs
2) secretion of mucous helps in adhering particles and lubricating them for an easy passage
What is the stuff that enter for the large intestine into the rectum called?
faecal matter
What stops the backflow of caecal matter ?
ileo caecal valve
How are the various gastro intestinal functions under control of ?
The activities of the gastro-intestinal tract are under neural and hormonal control for proper coordination of different parts
The sight, smell and/or the presence of food in the oral cavity can stimulate the secretion of saliva.
Gastric and intestinal secretions are also, similarly,
stimulated by neural signals.
The muscular activities of different parts of the alimentary canal can also be moderated by neural mechanisms, both local and through CNS.
Hormonal control of the secretion of digestive juices is carried out by local hormones produced by the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
What are things that are absorbed by simple diffusion?
glucose , amino aicds , Cl -
What are the substances that are absorbed by carrier protein ? What is this process called?
glucose , amino acids and also fructose
fascillated diffusion
What are the substances tat are absorbed by active diffusion?
glucose , amino aicds , and Na+
How is water absorbed?
with the help of osmosis
In what form form does the fat enter the mucosa?
in the form of micelles
In what form are the fats converted into before absorption by the lacteal?
in the form of chlyomicron
What are the things that are absorbed by the mouth and why?
drugs in the lower side of the tongue because of the presence of blood vessle
What are the things that are absorbed in the sstomach?
water . simple sugar, alcohol
What are the things that are absorbed with the help of small intestine?
glucose , fructose fatty acids glycerol and amino acids
What are the things that are absorbed in teh large intestine?
drugs , water , minerals
What initiated the removal of the faeces form the rectum?
presence of faeces in the rectum initiates a neural reflex that causes an urge for its removal
Which layer anal spinchter is voluntary and which one is involutary?
voluntary : the outer spinchter
involuntary: the inner spnchter
What causes inflammation in teh digestive tracts?
infection causesd by roundworms , threadworms n hook worms and pin worms
What is jaundice?
liver cells are affected and deposition of bile pigment in the blood which causes skin , eye to turn yellow
What is vomiting?
it is hte ejction of stmach contents though the mouth
What is diarrhoea?
abnormal frequency of bowl movement reuces the abosorption of food
What leads to improper absorption of food ?
What is the function of constipation?
irregular bowel movemnet
What is the function of indigestion?
food is not properly digested
What are the reasons for indigestion?
due to inadequate enzyme secretion , anxiety , food poisoning , over eating and spicy food
How is fructose absorbed?
by facillitated difusion
During absorption the most rapidl transpored monosaccharide is?
Which of the following gastric cells indirectly help in erythriopoiesis?
1) chief cells
2) goblet cells
3) mucous cells
4) parietal cells
4) parietal cells
What are the fat soluble substance?
What are the vitamins that are stored by liver?
D,E,K,A, and B12
What is the order of the development of the teeth?
Mummy Is In Pain Papa Can Make Medicine
What does the salivary amylas convert the starch into?
it converts it into maltose
For how many hours is food stored in the stomach?
4-5 hrs
What is the fat digestion that takes place in the pancreatic juice?
fats == lipase ===> diglycerides ===>monoglycerides
What is the fat digestion that takes place in the intestinal mucosa?
di and mono glycerides ==lipase==> fatty acid + glycerol
Which of the following reaction takes place in duodenum of small intestine :
1) Dipeptidase -> amino acid
2) Maltose –> glucose + glucose
3) Triglycerides –> monoglycerides + fatty acid + glycerol
4) lactose –> glucose + glucose
Resad the folowing Statement :
(A) The stomach stores the food for 4-5 hrs
(B) the food mixes thoroughly with the acidic intestinnal juices
(C) Trypsinogen is activated by an enzyme enterogasterone, secreted by the intestinal mucosa
(D) Renin is enzyme found in the fastric juice of infants which may help in digestion of milk protein
1) four
2) one
3) two
4) three
(4) three ( see the statement properly)