Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom Flashcards
What are the kingdoms in the five kingdom classification and who made this classification and when?
RH Whittaker 1969
monera , protista , fungi , plantae and animalia
What were the conditions of the earliest classification?
gross morphology
like habitat , colour and number and shape
What type of classification was Linneuas classification? What was one of its special charecteristics? Why is it not acceptable?
artificial classification
equal weitage to both vegetative and sexual charecters
because it have equal importance to vegetative charecters as it can change easily with environment
What are the charecters taken into account in natural classificaiton ?
their natural affinites
external and internal features like anatomy, structure, embryology and phytochemistry
What is the present phylogenetic classificaiton systme based on ?
evolutionary relationship between the various organism
What is the numerical taxonmy based on ?
each charecter is given a certain code and then they are porcessed in a computer
What is cehmotaxonomy and cytotaxonomy based on ?
chemotaxonomy : it is based on the chemical produced by the plants like resin
cytotaxonomy :based on the chemical constituents of hte plant
What is the habitat of algae?
chlorophyll thalloid organism , autotrophic and large aquatic organism
they occur in variety of habitat such as moist soilds , wood and sone in association with fungi , animals
Give an examples of colonial and filamentous algae?
volvox - colonial
filamentous spirogyra and ulthorix
How does vegetative , asexual and sexual reproduction take place in algae?
vegetative : fragmentaiton
asexual : commonly zoospores
sexual : isogamous, anisogamous , oogamous
In which organisms are called isogamous , anisogamous and oogamous?
isogamous: ulthorix (motile), spirogyra(non motile)
anisogamous : eudorina
oogamous : volvox and fucus
Which organism does half of the carbon dioxide fixation in teh earth ?
Give some examples of algae used as food?
laminaria and sargassum
What is teh use of agar and hwere is obtained fro?
from gracilaria and gelidium
used to make ice cream
What is the use of chlorella?
used as a protein supplement even for space travellers
What are the classes of algae?
What is the type of pigment?
chl a , b , beta carotene , viola and lutea xanthin
chl a , c , beta carotene , fcoxanthin
chl a , d , beta carotene, phycoerythrin
What are the stored food in the algae?
starch (pyrenoids and oil
laminarin and mannitol
floridean starch
In which organism are the pyrenoids present and how ?
the pyrenoids are present in chlorphyceae
it is protein coated by starch and are located in the chloroplast
How is the cell wall arranged in case of green algae?
inner cellulose
and outer pectose
How deos vegetative , asexual and sexual reproduction take place in cholorophyceae?
vegetative : fragmentation
asexual : by zoopores from zoosporangia
sexual : isogamous , anisogamous , oogamous
What is the type of sexual organs in all types of algae?
unicellular non jacketed sex organs
except in chara (antheridium and oognium)
Where are the brown alge comonly present?
in marine habitat
Give an examples of filamentous and profused branching in brown algae? Give some other examples of brown algae?
filamentous : Ectocarpus ( haplo diplontic in nature)
branching : kelp
ectocarpus , fucus , laminaria , sargassum , dictyota
What does the brown color in brown algae depend on ?
fucoxanthin and xanthophyll
What is the cell wall of different tyeps of algae made up of
cellulose and algin
cellulose and agar
What is the composition of the protoplast of the brown alga?
centrally located vacoule
and nucleus
What is the body composed of in brown algae?
frond (lamina)
How deos vegetative , asexual and sexual reproduction take place in phaeophyceae ?
vegetative : fragmentaiton
asexual : bifalggelate (unequal) lateral flagella
sexual : biflagellate (unequal) lateral flagella
Where are the majority of the red alge presnet in ? Give some examples of red algaE?
majority marine in the warmer areas
they are present in the well lightened and the deep marine regions
gracilaria, gelidium , porphyra , polysiphonia
How deos vegetative , asexual and sexual reproduction take place in rhodophyceae ?
vegetative: frgamentaiton
asexual : non motile spores
sexual : non motile oogamous spores
Which algae have a complex post fertilization development?
red algae
Where are the bryophytes prenset?
in the moist shady areas
Which organism are called the aquatic amphibian of the plant kindgom ? and why?
they need water for sexual reprocution
What ist he body of the bryophytes cmposed of and how does it attche itself to the substratum?
it thallus like and
they are attached to the substratum with the help of multicellular and unicellular rhizoids
Do bryophytes have a true , root , stem and leaves ?
What is the ploidy of the main body of the bryophytes composed of ?
What ist he type of the sex organs of the bryophystes? What is the male and female sexual organs and
it is multicellular
male : anteridium and , biflaggelate antherezoid
female: archaegonium flask shaped and produced a single egg
How is the sporophyte present in bryophytes ?
they are attached and depends on the photosynthetic gametophyte for nutrition
What is the economic use of sphagnum?
peat and trans shipment : sphagnum
Which are the first organism to colonize the rock?
mosses and lichen are the first to colonize the rocks
and make them suitable for the growth of other plant
What are the types of bryophytes?
horn worts
What is the charecteristics body feature of liverworts? What kind of rhizoid do they have?
they are dorsoventrally flattened to the susbtratum
tiny leaf like appendages in two rows of stem
they have unicellular rhizoids
How does egetative , asexual and sexual reproduction take place in liverworts?
vegetative: fragmentation of the thallus
asexual : gemmae
sexual : OOGAMOUS male and female gametes are produced in the same or different thalli ( antheridium and archaegonium)
What are the parts of the sporophytes in the liverworts?
foot , setae and capsule
Where are the spores produced in teh liverworts>
in the capsule by the spore mother cell
What is the predominant stage of the mosses?
What are the two different stages of gametophyte of mosees?
protonema : the first stage, developed from the spore
leafy stage: develops from the secondary protonema
How are the mosses attched to the susbtratum
with the help of MULTICELLULAR rhizoids
How does vegetative , aseuxl and sexual reproduciton atek place in mosses?
vegetative: fragmentation and buding in secondary protonema
sexual : antheridium adn archaegonium are produced in the apex of leafy stage
What are the body parts of the sporophyte in the mosses? And what is the main body of the mosses comopsed of ?
it is composed of both 2n and n
What is the ploidy of the main body of pteridophytes?
Which si the first organism to have vasular system? What is the meanig of the presence of vascular systems?
presence of true xylem and phloem
Does pteridophytes have root, stem and leaves?
yes pteridophytes have true root , stem and leaves
What are the two types of leaves in pteridopytes give their examples?
micropylls: selaginella
macropylls : fern
Where are the sporangia present in the pteridophytes?
the sporangia are present in
sporopyll : fern
stobili : equisetum and selaginella
What is the type of cell that produces spores in the sporangia of pteridophytes ?
the spore mother cell
What forms from the spore in pteridophytes ? What are teh sex organs in t?
prothallus (free living , photosynthetic and thalloid gametophytes
antheridium and archaegonium
Why is the habitat of pteridophytes restricted to some placeS/
they need water for fertilization in gametophyte and thus its spread is limited to small zone of areas
What are the two types of pteridophytes on the basis of spores ?
homosporous hetersporous ( develops into male and female gametophyte) / this event is the precursor of seed habit
Give soem examples of homosporous pteridophytes?
Sa - S- M- A savlinia selaginella marseail azolla
Why do we tell that pteridophytes are the precurspors of the ceed habitat?
some of the sporophyte retained the gametophyte and the development of the zygot took place in the sporophyte
thus this was the precursor of the seed habit
What are the four classes of pteridophytes and give exmaoles?
psilopsida : psilotum
lycopsida : selaginella , lycopodium
sphenopsida : equisetum
pteropsida : dryopteris , pteris and adiantum , salvinia, azolla
What is the ovary like in a gymnosprem?
they have ovary without anhy ovary wall but the have seed coat
Why are the seed of gymnosperm called naked seeds?
the seeds that develops post fertilization are not covered that is they dont have any pericarp but they have seed coat
What is the tallest species and which phylum deos it belong to ??
giant sequioa ( red wood) is the tallest tree it belongs to the gymnosperms
What is the root like in case of gymnosperm?
it is tap root
What is the difference between mycorrhiza and coralloid root? Give their exmapels?
mycorrhiza : (PINUS) root with fungal association
coralloid root : (CYCAS) association with cyanobacteria
What ar eth etwo types of branches in gymnosperms?
unbranched: ( cycas)
branched : (pinus and cedrus )
What is the leaf of cycas like?
What is the is the type of leaf in conifers?
needle like , reduce surface area and thick cuticle and sucken stomata reduced the surface area
Are gymnosperms heterosporous or homosporous?
microspores and megaspores
How are the spores arranged in gymnospmer?
stroblli (cone)
see the diagram in the book that i made if you want to need more
What is the male gamete in gymnospomer? How deos its development take place? Where deos its development take place>
pollen grain
micro sporophyll mega sporangia nucellus and integuments nucellus MMC ( microspore mother cell) mmc undergoes meiosis to form microspore the microspore forms the pollen
the development of pollen grain takes places in the sporangia
In which gymnosperm does the production of male sporophyll and female sporophyll take place in different tree?
Write the develpoment of female ovary?
mega sporophyll
mega sporangia
ovule ( integumens (envelope) + nucellus)
4 megaspore ( 3 dies and 1 survives )
that one megaspore develops in the megasporangia and forms endospore and 2 arachaegonia (the female gametophyte)
What are the components of the female gametophyte ? is it multicellular or unicellular? Where is the female gametophyte prenset?
female gametophyte ( endospore and 2 arcahegonium) the female gametophyte is multicellular
the female gametophyte is present in the mega sporangia
Give examples of gymnosperms where both the male and female gametes are proudced in the same tree and one tree where the male and female gametes are produced in different tree?
both in the same tree : pinus and other
male and female tree : cycas
Do the the male and the female gametophytes have the independent existance?
What is the female sex organs in gymnosperm and what si the male sex organ?
female : archaegonium
male : no more antheridium
How are the pollen grain transported to the ovule?
with the help of air currents
What are teh components of hte vascular system that are missing in gymnosperm? Are there any exceptions?
no xylem vessel
companium cells
except : Gnetum, Ephedra , Welwisthia
/What are the types of gymnosperms ?
cycadophyta (lower) : CYCAS
coniferophyta (higher)
1) gingkoales : gingko biloba
2) Coniferales: pinus, cedrus deodar
3) Gnetum : gnetum, ephedra
Which plant is known as the living fossil and why ?
Gingko Biloba
one of the oldest tree
Which tree has maiden hair?
Gingko Biloba
Where does the development of pollen grains and ovules take place?
in flowers
How are the seeds prenset in angiosperm?
they have a fruits ( pericarp) and a seed coat
What is the smalllest and the largest angiosperm?
smallest: Wulfia
Largest : Eucalyptus
What are th etwo classes of angiosperm?
What is the difference betwen monocot and dicot? (cotyledon) (venation) ( flower type) (whorls)
dicot , monocot cotyledon : 2,1 venation : reticulate , parallel flower type: (tetra and pentamerous flower) , ( trimerous flower) whorls : (4,5 member) , (3 member)
What is the male sex organ in angiosperm? What are the parts of a stamne? What is the female sex organs in angiosperm and what are its components?
stamen (filament and an anther )
pistil ( stigma , style , ovary)
Where are the pollen grain produced in a flower ?
in anther in micro sporangia micro spore mother cell (meiosis) micro spores (mitosis) pollen grain
How are the ovules made in an angiosperm?
ovary ovule spore mother cell(meiosis) 4 megaspore ( 3 die and 1 lives) the megaspore then divides to form the ovule
What are the components of the embryo sac in angiosperm? How many cell and how many nuclei?
EGG APPARATUS ( 1 egg , 2 synergids )
7 celled and 8 nucleus
Why is it called double fertilization and triple fusion in angiosperm?
double fertilization
1) SYNGAMY : male gamete 1 + egg cell
2) TRIPLE FUSION : (polar nuclie fuse to form 2n) + male gamete 2
What is the result of syngamy and triple fusion ?
syngamy : zygote formation – later cotyledon
triple fusion : PRIMARY ENDOSPORE NUCLEI provides nourishment to embryo
What happens to the synergids and antipodal cells after fertilization?
What does the ovules and ovary in angiosperm develop into after fertilization ?
ovule : forms the seed
ovary : forms the fruit
Till which phylum do we find archaegonium ?
Till which phylum do we find antheridium?
What is teh difference between the male gametes of bryophytes and pteridophytes?
bryophytes; biflagellate
pteridophytes: multi flagellate
What ability leads to the formaiton of both haploid and diploid body in plants?
mitosis in haploid and diploid cels
What do you mean by haplontic life cycle? Give some examples?
haplontic : one cell zygote
exampels : volvox , spirogyra , chlamydomonas
What do you mean by diplontic life cycle? Give some examples?
diplontic: single celled of few cells gametphyte
exampesl : fucus , gymnosperm, angisperm
What is the life cycle in bryophytes and pteridophyte?
bryophytes : haplo diplontic
pteridophytes: haplo diplontic (NCERT)
What is the type of life cycle of pteridophytes?
How are most of hte algae and are there any exceotions?
most of algae are haplontic