Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is Piaget’s metaphor regarding kids
they are like little scientist
because they are curious and create theories about how the world works
WHat is a schema
mental structures or concepts in the child’s mind…
eg. Seeing a shizu ( 4 legged fur animal) – linking it to a dog. (schema)
What is assimilation
when new experiences are readily incorporated into existing theories
eg. I see a cat (also small, furry , gas 4 legs) – child will say Dog
What is accomodation ..
existing theories are modified based on experience ..
Then someone corrects me : in that moment, we have a desequilibrium
Now I have to change the idea of what a dog is, and a cat
What happens prior to accomodation
WHat is equilibration
When balance is upset, children reorganize their theories to restore equilibrium
what are the 4 stages according to piaget
Sensorimotor stages
birth to 2 years
Baby learn about the world through their senses
Important to learn at different levels (crawling, walking, etc)
At the end of Sensorimotor stage, they develop object permanence : understanding that when something disappears it still exist even if you don’t see it.
What is Preoperational stage
ages 2 to 7 years
Kids learn with symbols.(alphabets, numbers)
In this period, kids have Errors in Thinking.
- Egocentrism : they think everything they see, you see, what they think, you think,
- Animism : when we think objects are like people (having feelings, thoughts) eg. The sun is smiling!
- Centration/centrism : when you give them 2 coins and see you have 4 coins they will think you have more , if you break it in half
Concrete operational stage
7 to 11 years
based on mental operations (strategies and rules)
Yes or no, Right or wrong – moral development can be influenced
Eg. If someone is dying and need medications, Should they steal medication? This child will say NO
Formal operational stage
age 11 to adulthood
to think abstractly, hypothetically
When teens start to engage in more reasoning skills.
Use deductive reasoning – etre capable de suivre une histoire meme si on ne comprend pas tout à fait
Pros and cons in Piaget
- Helps us understand children individual needs by knowing what stage they’re in cognitively (treatment for 8 yrs old vs 14 yrs)
Assessing their readiness
Talks about encouraging a child to explore the world, understand the world to gain more cognitive skills and abilities
- underestimates how much babies can actually think
- Overestimates how much adolescents can do
- Some components are too vague to test, lack of variability
- Undervalues influence of sociocultural
Vygotsky theory
Social cultural perspective - we learn by doing things, and have people help us do things aka Cognitive development is inseparable from social and cultural contexts:
- goal is to Figure out where they are in zone of proximal development and help them scaffold
What is Zone of proximal development
Difference between what one can do alone or with assistance
eg. when teaching a kid who’s in grade 4, and we teach what they need to know in grade 4 . This is within their reach to help them get to the next level
What is Scaffolding
Teaching style that matches assistance to learner’s needs
- helps us teach kids how to move on.
- eg. When teaching kid how to dive of a diving board, you will start by teaching them how to get comfortable In the water.
Then touch the toes (while encouraging, helping them)
What is Private speech:
comments that is not directed to others but rather to regulate their own behavior
difference between accomodation and modification
Accomodation – offer support to help child reach their goal – we know child has potential to do well or better but they need specific tools
reduced course work, less test questions, more time
Modification – when we see child cannot reach the potential level (being 10 but function like theyre 7) , change in expectations .. Struggling across the curriculum
- modifying program so they dont have to do grade 4 work. Because this is where their zone proximal development