Chapter 12 Flashcards
self control
ability to rise above pressures
Beginnings of self control
At first, we have little self control – even in terms of muscle, less control over emotion
Age 1 : we start to have that awareness that other people have demands , and imposes on them like dont touch this
Age 2: we start to internalize some of the control .. They know what they want, egocentric thinking (what they see, they want) hard to see other people’s perspective
Age 3: , starting to have a bit more self control.. It builds overtime and improves
self control develops gradually during elementary school BUT Some kids still have trouble with self control even in elementary, need extra support and help to develop more self control
What are predictors for self control
Self control in preschoolers
they can predict outcomes in early adulthood
Influences on self control
Parent discipline is important
NEED combination of high warmth and high level of control. Firm but Fair parenting.
Inductive reasoning : explaining situation to child and encourage thems to think through on their own
Temperament and cultural influence can change development of self control —> expectations and being born with a certain temperament
How to improve children self control
- Remind children of the need to resist temptation (Teaching kids Delayed gratification : reward system. Can be helpful)
- Making tempting events less attractive : highlight the things that can be challenging
- Kids with good ways of handling tempting situations are better at resisting
What are the different reasonings/views about moral reasoning
Piaget’s Views
Kohlberg’s Theory
Beyond Kohlberg’s Theory
focuses on cognitive stages. he thinks that and social interaction can predict moral reasoning stage
- At 4 , in preoccupational stage ; so STILL AT THE SYMBOL STAGE (they are considered premoral )
- 5 to 7 - moral realism where rules must be followed and cannot be changed (Heteronomous morality and Immanent Justice)
- 8 years - moral relativism (moral based on free will aka autonomous morality) rules are created by people to help them get along
Heteronomous morality
Immanent justice
happens at 5 to 7 years (moral realism)
Heteronomous morality: Absolute rules handed down by another
eg If a friend dis mean to you, they are not your friend. No room for negotiation
Immanent justice :Belief that breaking a rule always leads to punishment
eg. my brother hit me so he needs to be punished. If you break a rule, you will be punished
Autonomous morality
age 8, moral realitivism
- Many people work together to create rules
- Based on free will
Kohlbergs theory
says that It’s beyond cognition that predicts moral reasoning
Uses dilemmas to study moral reasoning
Its something that focuses on preconventional, conventional and postconventional (3 stages each with 2 stages)
people progress in sequence but most people remain in conventional
Moral reasoning is linked to moral behaviour: what I say should happen, I will most likely act that way
levels of reasoning: Pre-conventional
Focus on obedience to authority
similar to piaget
levels of reasoning: Conventional
Focus on social norms
(what is our society think we should do, How do I react if people are watching me)
levels of reasoning: Postconventional
Focus on personal, moral principles
How consistent is moral reasoning (Kohlberg’s Theory )
is not as consistent as theory would predict
that something we might act in a conventional manner but other times we will think in a more sophisticated manner
cross cultural evidence on Kohlberg theory
- (NA culture focuses on individual and sense of justice which is not the same everywhere in the world)
moral is more culturally specific
Beyond Kohlberg
By Gilligan who questioned Kohlberg’s dilemma theory
instead, Gilligan says men and woman think differently
At the end, they find that justice and care of concern are about the same in men and women
How does Gilligan interpret justice orientations between sexes
men reason with morality and women will be more concerned with the care of the others
Moral – how to make decisions with things that come into our life
Care of concern – decisions on how others might feel rather than whats right of wrong