CAS Flashcards
What does CAS stands for
Children aid society
CASO - Children aid society of Ottawa
What is CAS
Non profit community organization that supports families and works to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and youth
What are the age range of service
0 to 16 and 2 days
after that they cannot take custody but can act as a support
Reasons for CAS involvment
Signs of Neglect
Emotional Harm
Intimate partner violence aka sexual abuse and adult conflict
does it mean concerns regarding neglect
pattern where a person having charge is not able or willing to meet the child’s needs
signs of Neglect examples
- poor hygiene
- tiredness, lack of energy
- missing basic clothing items for the season
- regularly missing meals
Emotional harm
pattern of negative behavior by caregiver – basically: shaming, blaming, humiliation and belittling the child
emotional harm has different effects depending on their developmental stage
indicators for Signs of emotional harm
- Extreme behaviour changes
- Social withdrawal and isolation
- Regression to developmentally inappropriate behaviours
- Self harm and self blame
- Emotional instability including outbursts and difficulty managing emotions
Intimate partner violence and adult conflict
- Witnessing
- Hearing from another room
- Observing the aftermath
- Being aware of tension in the home i.e. “walking on eggshells”
- `Being at risk of physical harm either intentionally or accidentally while the adult conflict is occurring
what is the meaning of the term: Reasonable grounds
its the information that someone would need (using their honest judgement) in order to decide to report a child may be in need of protection
- you dont have to be sure about concerns to make a referral , you must use your best judgement
What are the aspects to consider before reporting a child’s safety concern ?
Culture - can influence family practices , various parenting practices can different but also be considered safe
Stereotypes - can lead to overreporting. along with prejudice and discrimination
What is risk of maltreatment
Heightened risk of abuse or harm from perpetrators
What are the categories of symptoms
Externalizing symptoms
Internalizing symptoms
PTSD Symptoms
Physical Symptoms
Externalizing symptoms
behaviors we can actually see, overt behaviors such as agression, bullying, running away, self harm, suicidal ideation, substance abuse
Internalizing symptoms
Things that kids will keep inside, they can however still be visible
eg. Anxiety, fear, depression, problems with intimacy