Chapter 54: Anemia Flashcards
oxygen carrier in hemoglobin and myoglobin
three places where iron is stored
liver, spleen, bone marrow
injectable forms cause pain upon injection
most frequently used oral iron
ferrous sulfate
each tablet contains 65 mg of elemental iron
ferrous sulfate
biosynthetic form of the natural hormone erythropoietin
epoetin alfa
most patients receiving this drug also receive an oral or IV iron preparation
epoetin alfa
malabsorption syndromes are the most common causes of deficiency
folic acid
medication is ineffective without adequate body iron stores and bone marrow function
epoetin alfa
dietary iron must be converted by ______________ before it can be absorbed
gastric juices
liquid oral preparations may stain teeth
contains largest amount of iron per gram of salt consumed
ferrous fumarate
should not be used until actual cause of anemia is determined
folic acid
administration alleviates symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia (underlying cause of anemia should be corrected)
four examples of foods that enhance iron absorption
orange juice
ascorbic acid
33% elemental iron
ferrous fumarate
water-soluble, B-complex vitamin essential for erythropoiesis
folic acid
oral iron preparations are available as ____________
ferrous salts
three examples of dietary sources of irons
meats, certain vegetables, grains
most common cause of pediatric poisoning deaths
used for treatment of anemia associated with end-stage renal disease and chemotherapy-induced anemia
epoetin alfa
causes black, tarry stools
primary uses are for deficiency and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects
folic acid
used for prevention and treatment of iron-deficiency syndromes
300 mg tablets and 324 mg tablets are used interchangably
ferrous sulfate
may mask symptoms of pernicious anemia, which requires other treatment than this
folic acid
five GI side effects of iron
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach cramps/pain
administered orally or intranasally to treat vitamin B12 deficiency
treatment goals for dialysis patients on epoetin alfa include a target hemoglobin of ___ g/dL
usually administered by deep intramuscular injection
untreated pernicious anemia progresses to ____________ damage
most frequent adverse effects include hypertension, fever, headache, pruritus, rash, nausea, vomiting, arthralgia, and injection site reaction
epoetin alfa
treatment goals for chronic kidney disease patients not on dialysis include a target hemoglobin of ____ g/dL
five examples of foods that impair iron absorption
cereal products containing phytates
common dietary sources of iron
used to treat pernicious anemia and other megaloblastic anemias