Chapter 5 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Cranial Nerves
extend from the brainstem
to muscles of face, mouth
and neck.
• Classification o Name o Number (Roman Numerals) o Type § Motor (efferent) § Sensory (afferent) § Both (efferent and afferent) o Damage/Lesion to cranial nerves § Physical trauma § Tumor § Vascular incident (stroke)
Cranial Nerves
I – Olfactory
o Function
- Sense of SMELL
o Type:sensory
o Damage
- Anosmia - loss of sense
of smell and taste
“Old factory” stinks
Cranial Nerves
II – Optic
o Function
-Communicates visual
information to the brain
o Type:sensory
o Damage - Various types of visual impairment depending on location and severity of the damage along the nerve
Cranial Nerves
III – Oculomotor
o Function
- Innervates eye movement
(visual convergence and
pupil size/lens shape)
o Type: motor
o Damage
§ Inability to turn the eye in
§ Drooping of the eyelid
§ Abnormal dilation of the pupil
Cranial Nerves
IV – Trochlear
o Function
-Innervates eye movements
(visual tracking: downward
and outward)
o Type: motor
o Damage
-Inability to turn eye down
and out
“track” 4 laps/mile
Cranial Nerves
V – Trigeminal
o Function
- Motor: Innervates muscles of mastication, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani - Sensory: Communicates sensations from face, mouth, teeth, mucosal lining and tongue
o Type:both
o Damage
- Increased jaw jerk reflex
-Jaw may deviate toward the side of the lesion
-Jaw may hang open – will effect speech
- Hypernasality in speech due to weakness or paralysis of tensor
veli palatini muscle
- Loss or altered sensation from various locations of the face (can’t feel some locations on face.
“gem”-like “5 Golden Rings” lots of gems in rings.
Cranial Nerves
VI – Abducens
o Function
- Innervates eye movements (lateral eye movements)
o Type:Motor
o Damage
- Eyes rotate in
- Double vision
Abs- we all want a 6pack
Cranial Nerves
VII – Facial
o Function
- Motor: Innervates muscles of facial expression, and tear glands
- Sensory: Serves taste of anterior two-thirds of tongue
o Type:both
o Damage
- Upper and lower face paralysis on the side of the lesion
- Loss of tone, reduction in wrinkling
- May drool due to the loss of lip control
- Alteration of tasteBell’s palsy: compression of the facial nerve
Cranial Nerves
VIII – Vestibulocochlear
(auditory nerve)
o Function
- Mediates auditory (hearing) information and vestibular (equilibrium) sensations
o Type:sensory
o Damage
- Ipsilateral (same side) hearing loss
- Vertigo (feeling that you or your surroundings are moving)
Vestibulo-ballance cochlear-hear
Cranial Nerves
IX – Glossopharyngeal
o Function
- Motor - Innervation of stylopharyngeus and superior pharyngeal constrictor
- Sensory - Taste to posterior one-third of tongue and portion of the soft palate
o Type:both
o Damage
- Loss of sensation for posterior tongue and pharynx
-Reduced or absent gag reflex
Gloss- tongue pharyngeal-pharnex
Cranial Nerves
X – Vagus
o Function
Motor - Innervates muscles of the larynx used for phonation and protection of the airway, innervates all velopharyngeal muscles except the tensor veli palatini
Sensory - Delivers pain, touch an temperature sense from the eardrum, posterior auricle, and external auditory meatus
Serves the autonomic nervous system (heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, etc.)
o Type:both
o Damage -Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) - Loss of gag reflex - Hypernasality - Nasal regurgitation (problems with soft pallet closure -Unilateral or bilateral flaccid vocal fold paralysis - Risk for aspiration pneumonia
Vegas- stores close at 10 so we will go gamble
Cranial Nerves
XI – Accessory
o Function
- Activates sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
o Type: motor
o Damage
- Unable to turn head away from the side of the lesion
- Restricted ability to elevate the arm
- Drooping shoulder
accessories with necklaces.
Cranial Nerves
XII – Hypoglossal
o Function
- Innervates the muscles of the tongue
o Type: motor (speech)
o Damage
- Tongue will deviate toward the side of the lesion
- Fasciculation (abnormal involuntary twitching) of the tongue
- tounge muscle weakness (twitching)
Cranial Nerves
Tramatic brain injury
injury at the site of impact
Cranial Nerves
Tramatic brain injury
injury oposite the site of impact
linear and rotational movement of the brain within the skull.
brain hit in front, pushed back in skull and hits the back of skull.
swelling causes pressure in other areas as well.
Cranial Nerves
How to remember all of the names and numbers
Oh, Once One Takes The Anatomy Final, Very Good Vacations Are Here! I Olfactory II Optic III Oculomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducens VII Facial VIII Vestibulocochlear IX Glossopharyngeal X Vagus XI Accessory XII Hypoglossal
Cranial Nerves
How to remember the TYPES of nerve
Some Say Marilyn Monroe, But My Brother Says Bridget Bardot. Mmm Mmmm
I Sensory II Sensory III Motor IV Motor V Both VI Motor VII Both VIII Sensory IX Both X Both XI Motor XII Motor