Chapter 3 Phonatory System: Laryngeal Musculature Extrinsic Muscles and layers of the vocal folds Flashcards
Extrinsic Muscles
One attachment to the larynx and the other attachment on a structure outside the larynx,
Forms a network that surrounds the larynx and anchors it in position within the neck,
Makes major adjustments to larynx,
Elevating and Depressing
Extrinsic Muscles of Larynx
elevators & depressors
Elevators digastricus stylohyoid mylohyoid geniohyoid genioglossus hyoglossus
Depressors sternohyoid omohyoid sternothyroid thyohyoid
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Digastricus
Anterior, elevates hyoid anteriorly
Posterior, elevates hyoid posteriorly
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Stylohyoid muscle
elevates hyoid posteriorly
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Mylohyoid muscle
Makes up the floor of oral cavity,
elevates hyoid anteriorly
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Geniohyoid muscle
elevates hyoid anteriorly
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Genioglossus muscle ???
Forms the primary muscle of the tongue,
elevates hyoid
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Elevators): Hyoglossus muscle
elevates hyoid and depresses tongue
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Depressors): Sternohyoid muscle
depresses hyoid
(Extrinsic Muscles)
Hyoid and Laryngeal Depressors): Omohyoid muscle (superior and inferior
depresses hyoid
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Depressors): Sternothyroid muscle
Assist on producing high and low pitch,
Helps make fine adjustments to vocal folds,
depresses thyroid cartilage
(Extrinsic Muscles)
(Hyoid and Laryngeal Depressors): Thyrohyoid muscle
depresses hyoid or elevates larynx
Layers of Vocal Cords Chart
(Layers of the Vocal Folds)
(Cover): Epithelium
Mucosal covering of stratified squamous cells,
Needs a thin layer of mucous lubrication for best oscillation
(Layers of the Vocal Folds)
Cover): Superficial lamina propria (also called Reinke’s space
Extracellular gelatin matrix,
Helps cushion the vocal folds
(Layers of the Vocal Folds)
(Transition/Vocal Ligament): Intermediate lamina propria
Compose of elastic fibers,
Part of the vocal ligament
(Layers of the Vocal Folds)
(Transition/Vocal Ligament): Deep lamina propria
Collagen fibers,
Part of the vocal ligament
(Layers of the Vocal Folds)
Body): Vocalis Muscle (Thyrovocalis
Provides tone, stability and mass