Chapter 4 Articulation, Resonation, and Deglutition: Introduction/Definitions BONES OF THE FACE Flashcards
Articulation, Speech Definition:
Process of bringing mobile and immobile articulators into contact to shape the sounds of speech
Articulation, Anatomy Definition:
To connect or join together
The sound quality given to voiced sounds by the vocal tract
Structures of Vocal Tract
Nasal cavity,
Oral cavity
Structures of Mobile Articulators
Lips, Tongue, Mandible, Soft palate (velum), Pharynx, Cheeks, Fauces
Structures of Immobile articulators
Alveolar ridge of maxillae,
Hard palate (palatine processes of the maxilla and horizontal plates of the palatine bones),
Hyoid Bone
is categorized as a bone of the face (facial bone)
Bones of the face
Condylar process
articulates with temporal bone forming the temporomandibular joint
Bones of the face
Condylar process: TMJ
chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint
(Bones of the face)
Coronoid process
point of attachment for temporalis muscle
(Bones of the face)
Alveolar part (ridge)
houses the teeth in dental alveoli (sacs)
(Bones of the face)
Frontal process & Zygomatic process
articulates with the zygomatic bone
articulates withe the frontal bone
(Bones of the face)
Palatine process
forms the floor of the nasal cavity and the anterior ¾ of the hard palate (roof of mouth)