Chapter 2- Respiratory System-Muscles of Inspiration Flashcards
Muscles of Inspiration
- Primary Muscle of Thorax
- Accessory Muscles of Thorax,
- Accessory Muscles of the Neck,
- Muscles of the Upper Arm and Shoulder
- Back Muscles of Inspiration
pg 25
Primary Muscles of Thorax
pg 25
pulls central tendon down and back during inspiration (expands lungs in vertical dimension)
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(Diaphragm, Structures):
Central Tendon
Intermediate region of the diaphragm.
When contracted the muscle fibers shorten.
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(Diaphragm, Structures):
Aortic hiatus
Passage for abdominal aorta.
Supplies oxygenated blood to all of the abdominal and pelvic organs and the legs.
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(Diaphragm, Structures):
Esophageal hiatus
Passage for esophagus and small arteries
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(Diaphragm, Structures):
Foramen vena cava
Passage forinferior vena cava.
Large vein carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
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Accessory Muscles of Thorax
- External Intercostals
- Internal Intercostals (interchondral portion)
elevate the rib cage
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Accessory Muscles of Thorax
- Levators Costarum, raises ribs.
- Brevis Portion, raises ribs.
- Longus Portion, raises ribs
- Serratus Posterior Superior
elevates ribs 2 - 5.
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Accessory Muscles of the Neck
elevates sternum and rib cage
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Accessory Muscles of the Neck
Scalenus (anterior, middle, posterior)
elevates ribs 1-2
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Muscles of the Upper Arm and Shoulder
Pectoralis major
elevates sternum and rib cage
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Muscles of the Upper Arm and Shoulder
Pectoralis minor
with shoulder fixed, elevates ribs 2-5
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Muscles of the Upper Arm and Shoulder
Serratus anterior
elevate ribs 1-9
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Back Muscles of Inspiration)
Levator scapulae
elevates scapula and provides neck support
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Back Muscles of Inspiration
Rhomboideus major
stabilize shoulder girdle
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Back Muscles of Inspiration
Rhomboideus minor
stabilizes shoulder girdle
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Back Muscles of Inspiration
elongation of the neck and head control
pg 29