Chapter 2 Respiratory System-Support Structures Flashcards
Exchange of gas between an organism and its environment.
Essential for voice production
the process of bringing air into the lungs
process of eliminating air (co2) from the lungs.
Support Structure for Respiration
Vertebral column, pelvic and pectoral girdles, sternum, ribs
Vertebral Column
Provides protection for the spinal cord
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(Types of Vertebrae): 7 Cervical (neck) C1 -C7.
Atlas (C1)
Supports the weight of the skull.
Very small spinous process.
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(Types of Vertebrae): 7 Cervical (neck) C1 -C7.
Axis (C2)
Fits into the Atlas and allows for rotation and pivoting of the skull
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(Types of Vertebrae): 12 Thoracic (behind rib cage) T1-T12
Larger spinous and transverse processes than cervical vertebrae.
Superior and inferior costal facets and transverse costal facets are the attachment points for the ribs.
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(Types of Vertebrae): 5 Lumbar (lower back) L1-L5
Largest and strongest vertebrae.
Provide attachment points for back and abdominal muscles.
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(Types of Vertebrae): 1 Sacrum (hips)
5 sacral vertebrae (S1-S5) fuse together to form the sacrum.
Sacral foramina - provide a passageway for sacral nerves.
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(Types of Vertebrae): 1 Coccyx (tailbone)
3-4 coccygeal vertebrae fuse together to form the coccyx.
Articulates with sacrum by means of a small disc.
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Body (corpus)
Anterior large plate-like portion
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Pedicles
Lateral sides of the body, project posteriorly, then join at midline
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Neural arch
Created where pedicles join at midline
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Vertebral foramen
Canal created when vertebrae are stacked, passage of spinal cord
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Spinous Process
(Structures of Vertebrae): protrudes from back of the body part of vertebrae
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Transverse Process
Projectslaterally on either side of the vertebrae.
Attachment point for muscles and ligaments.
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Superior and Inferior Articular Facets
Allow vertebrae to “stack” on top of one another
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(Structures of Vertebrae): Anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments
Extend through the length of the spinal column.
Bind the bodies of the vertebrae together.
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Intervertebral discs
Fibrocartilaginous discs found between vertebrae except for C1 and C2.
Provides a support and cushion for vertebrae.
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(Spinal curvature, normal): Cervical curve
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(Spinal curvature, normal): Thoracic Curve
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(Spinal curvature, normal): Lumbar Curve
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(Spinal curvature, normal): Sacral Curve
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Pelvic Girdle
Supports lower extremities.
Bears weight for legs.
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(Pelvic Girdle, Structures): Ilium
Large, wing like bone.
Supports abdominal muscles.
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(Pelvic Girdle, Structures): Ischium
Makes up lower and back portion of hip.
Fuses with ilium and pubis.
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(Pelvic Girdle, Structures): Pubic bones (pubis)
Joins together at the pubic symphysis
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Pectoral Girdle
Supports upper extremities
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(Pectoral Girdle, Structures): Scapula (shoulder blade)
Attachment point for several muscles which allow flexible upper body movement and strength.
Attaches to axial skeleton only via clavicle.
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(Pectoral Girdle, Structures): Clavicle (collarbone)
Attaches to sternum and scapula.
Provides anterior support for scapula.
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Attaches to the clavicle.
Articulates with ribs by means of costal cartilage.
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(Sternum, Structures): Manubrium sterni
Uppermost segment of the sternum.
Contains jugular notch.
Articulates with clavicle and first rib and part of second rib.
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(Sternum, Structures): Corpus (body)
Articulates with 5 ribs
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(Sternum, Structures): Xiphoid (ensiform process)
Provides attachment to the linea alba (midline of abdomen)
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True Ribs
Consists of the upper ribs (1-7).
Direct attachment to the sternum via a cartilaginous (chondral) union.
Allows for expanding rib cage without breaking ribs.
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False Ribs
Ribs 8, 9, and 10.
Attached to the sternum via cartilage which runs superiorly.
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Floating or Vertebral Ribs
Ribs 11 and 12.
Does not attach to sternum.
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(Ribs, Structures): Head
provides the articulating surface with the spinal column
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(Ribs, Structures): Neck
portion right below the head of the rib
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(Ribs, Structures): Angle
the point at which the rib begins to curve forward
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(Ribs, Structures): Shaft
the body of the rib
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